Friday, March 29, 2013

Chacha Ivanov: I do not exclude the possibility that the "naive" can back!

This spring, a group of "naive" to stop his concert career, a sabbatical. Her fans still accept not, this message and ask each other the same question back or not? November 24, Alexander "Chacha" Ivanov took over the love of donor action, "We - the same blood", in which he will meet with the audience and answered all their questions. He spoke with "Showbiz News" what an exclusive interview Alexander. "Chacha" Ivanov, "I want to talk about something else." - I want to start with a question that probably worried all your fans, can we now say that a group of "naive" exists - Of course there is, practically most of all: You can go on YouTube and watch a lot of movies with performances in which I will ride on one leg, and shouted into the microphone, but right now the. . Changes group on sabbatical, as advertised, perhaps, is that I have now been active in his solo project, the launch of which is planned for late winter involved - early 2010 with "naive" can come back, but it will later.. - It is a different, updated his "naive" or is it the same - "Naive" - it is varied in different stages of the participants, but when we go back, back to that line-up, to the left "naive." . go -. Her solo work is very different, "naive" by the music of now I find it difficult to make an objective assessment of a person I am involved in the process, and look at it from the inside. But I think that, yes, different. Let us for the reaction of discharged people who hear it and wait then say in my solo career for some innovations, or is it still going on "naive." But I repeat, it seems that the differences are: I want to talk about something else in a different way to solve some purely technical issues. Time will tell. - Do you have the creativity of each other now? For example, what makes the group "Fantasy"? - Yes. Recently, the "SF" was an anniversary, and I attended the gala concert. I am following with interest what is happening, guys. Dima Snake looked me sternly in recent months with posters of "Agatha Christie" ... So goes the life on, and I'm glad that everything is as it is. We communicate, we are good, and a group of "naive" come back, but it is a question of the future. - She went into a sabbatical, but continued to take an active role in the musical life of the country. You could see and the festival "Russian Lessons" and "invasion", but in different capacities. Rest, then he turned to the music? - In general, yes. The fact is that for me to take a sabbatical - it is an opportunity not to be missed. The life of a musician is that you're always on the go. This endless journey, endless trains, top shelf, which is your crib, your house, where you will live. Time very tiring, but not the concerts and the creative process This year, I managed to travel less, and I am very satisfied. "Sometimes you have to stop '- This year has been difficult for the Russian rock music: left the stage" Agatha Christie ", the group take a sabbatical," naive ", took over many musicians think about how frustrated the eject discs record. Does this mean that something is wrong in our show-business and urgently to change the situation? - I think it was just a tough year. The fact that in our show business is something wrong - it is certainly a fact. But this problem is not just this year, and for many years. This is not connected with show business, and our country as a whole, really, there is not much work, and rock music - is one of the areas of people's lives, so that it reflects all the problems that exist in society . I do not follow those leap year or not, it was a very difficult year in all respects. - In his song "20 Years of Solitude," you sing, "The world as it was 20 years ago." But after twenty years, the rock was forbidden, the music did not have the money. Well, it's different. "People are not like 20 years ago - they are the same as a thousand years ago They continue beings experience the sadness, happiness, emotional uplift!." - Yes, but the external differences, but basically nothing has changed. People are not like 20 years ago - they are the same as a thousand years ago! They continue being, the sadness, happiness, emotional lift that does not change some basic parameters of the people is to learn. - Who can view the song "20 Years of Solitude"? Is it the fret young musicians? - Maybe you can interpret and such, but overall the song is treated separately to the so-called internal reader. On this subject, I recently read a new novel by Pelevin "t", and it's just a lot of serious discussion of the reader. I recommend this book. It can be an answer to the question of who is dedicated and our song. I agree with Pelevin: every expression of human creativity is always the same - to himself. - Is there a rock band a shelf life? - I do think that the younger you are, the easier it is to endure, the severity and harshness. Finally, the people themselves, as, have a shelf life. We are not immortal, and we are in a limited space of time, we have a beginning and an end. As well as a group. It is important to know, however, when to stop. When I made the decision that it is necessary, the activities of the group was taken to suspend, I felt very tired, and I think it was the right decision. Now, over time, I feel, of course, not prepared, not contrived emotional creative development. This is one of the most important aspects of the creative process. Higher than the rise of a natural, the more the inner necessity, the better. In this sense, the holiday was very helpful. Sometimes it is necessary for a sober assessment of whether or not it to stop. - And leave on time is more difficult than ever away? You must ensure that you will not forget. - When I made the decision to stop, I did not know how long it temporary or not, it is necessary to have forgotten, or not. I just wanted to rest. I'm tired of that one. A certain ritual actions, which I did for twenty years, and I wanted to stop him I held him, and now I have the opportunity, from a different position on what did I look like. A forgotten or not? You can go back or not? These are the issues of the future, and that is hard to say. But I do not exclude the possibility that the can "naive" to return. And I'll go with a new proposal for sure. A forgotten or not - see, I'm curious. A forgotten or not? You can go back or not? These are the issues of the future, and that is hard to say. "Punk rock is invincible" - is often the case that the group developed a fan. Did you feel, and what to do in such cases, do not be afraid to make radical changes in the work or to the expectations of the audience? - The main thing - to behave naturally and try to own something you do it. You wait universal answer, and he is by everyone else. Someone feels comfortable adjusting his audience, and some, on the contrary, requires the listener growth. Different people choose different paths, and let it do all what he thinks is right. Well, that can be both makes life interesting. Although, of course, the growth - it is a necessary element of creativity. If you do not develop, then it leads to stagnation and then to the crisis, and then to stop the activity. If you, your audience grows behind you, this is the ideal model of gold, which happens in reality is rarely, but can be achieved. - You've seen for their fans? For their views, tastes, disputes on social networks, online? - Rare. I have a very time consuming process of creation. Write songs, record them - it is very time consuming problem if you take it seriously. Such work requires a lot of emotional resources. But when I have time, I can certainly look at the forum, and reviews. But in general, I can not follow. I'm interested in something to say and do to express themselves, and the interpretation does not depend on me. It seems to me that my function when the last chord sounded concert ends. Next - it's personal work student, I can not control, and perhaps fortunately. Let's send them somewhere to family and school says, whether they really accept me and my actions. - In general, the punk rock for all ages? - In general, yes. If we on the land where he appeared before us, and look, there is music people over 30 The fact that we punk rock young audience due to the fact that punk rock appeared as a socio-cultural phenomenon in Russia not heard long ago. I think that every time there is some kind of its own theme, its own rhythm, its vision of the musical process differ, so can we, the music of the 50s to the 70s music. Although pass times roll. For example, I do not know how music of the 80s, usually every 80 to, the entire culture, fashion. And now it's the other way around, a fashion trend. I was a teenager in the 80s, I was irritated and then what happened, and annoying so far. This confirms the idea that nothing has changed: The man was a cycle in its development back in the 80s, and since I do not like and do not like. - What about the Soviet films? - I have no problem with all Soviet, my problem is with the 80-mi: Olympic 80, banana pants, headband, high heels, frilly girly hair with strange cocks. This is all possible for me. But I have nothing against them, and I understand that the generation that did not understand it then, now everything fell into order. So be it. - What is the future of punk rock in Russia? When looking at the young punk band, it seems that they are all the same, imitating each other and do not move. - Did punk rock has a future. It's pretty obvious. Always in the society there is a group of people aged 12 to 18, which is near the adult physical and legal characteristics - vulnerable, powerless and under pressure from the school and from their parents, and this is only the culture medium in the mature punk rock. Punk rock - music that grows from youth extremism: everyone against you, and you have the only way to send all - has come to a punk concert and scream. In real life, you can condemn it - no. Punk rock - is an attempt to shout desire to romp to legalize ridiculous. Will keep coming, a new generation, which faced the pressure adults protest, punk rock beat. It is now forever. - Do you think that you with the fans of punk rock may explain why they have chosen the punk movement, and what is the philosophy of punk? Or is it reckless fashion? - I think it's different punks. All subcultures are still connected to the fashion, otherwise it is not easy to be popular. But there are always those who just copy the external form, and those who are interested in the underlying ideology. Sun formed the society. But the best part is, as a rule, is still fragmentary. "I would do an interview with Jesus Christ" - Heading into a sabbatical, you said that you have a desire to work in radio. Now this request is stored? - Total savings, but I see no technical capacity to implement it now. Maybe I should be more active and not wait on what I call and say, "Sanya come work for us on the radio," that is, I have to call me and say, "Take me, take." But I will not. On the other hand as a radio will know that I want to work for them? I realized that a few good things, if there is a relative movement: to move the parties to each other and intersect at some point in their interest. While technically possible to operate the radio is not shown, but not lost after all. "I realized that a few good things, if there is a relative movement. Parties to the successive moves, and overlap at some point in their interest" - But the radio - it's journalism, and, as you know, is not particularly as journalists. - Yes, I do not like journalists. Based on the journalistic community say that I would in her place trying to avoid the offensive mistakes they make. My main claim to reporters that she unprofessional. A man comes to the interview, and he was not one of you know anything, and he does the things that you can learn from primary school "Wikipedia". While there are examples and creativity. Here, for example, the journalist Andrew mules. He is very professional. All his stories and professional films, although controversial. One understands what he is doing, understand the topic. This seemingly simple thing, but for some reason it is rare in the journalistic community. If I have to do in journalism, I would to those that look as professionals, and to my own experience, in order to avoid the mistakes of other journalists. - If you dream of, then each of your colleagues you might be interested to talk primarily to the air? - A whole lot of people that I like, would be to talk about it. Well, for example, Noize MC, Sergei Mihalok. Perhaps it would be interesting to talk to people or characters I do not really know. It is not necessary to limit yourself, but on the contrary should not be afraid of unexpected things. That's life urges you to ensure that the interview miner. Now let's take a miner make it interesting interview, just before meeting with them, we should at least know a little bit about the profession of the man. Prepare in advance what will happen. - And if you still indulge in more daring fantasies of who would fall under the historical figures you want to interview? The more you close the story. - The list is endless. But if I had a choice, I would choose Jesus Christ. This is a fundamental value, a character who has seriously changed the course of history. But I think that they take all very intelligent people, and I would have been hard to go through. - Do you want to talk to him as God or as a person? - It is very difficult. I think we need to consider the situation. I am willing to issue, I have read a lot of books in which he quotes. But because of the fact that the situation is difficult to predict, we must make decisions on the fly. - By the way, how about the fact that now there are attempts to write the gospel again? - This is always the case, not just now. It is an inevitable process: people always want something new, I want the old brand in a new package. Oh, and one last question. In the song "20 Years of Solitude", you say it. Luck or love Where is it? Where to find them? - The answer is trivial: where people searched before him. While there is no universal answer: someone looking for a family who love and someone of theft and murder. It sounds terrible, but it is. In the last week I have read many reports of some crime wave. And because someone has committed them, he found comfort in something for themselves. There is no universal recipe. You need only look at yourself and understand what you need. Hopefully, after that looking inwards, more people are finding their positive values. I think that the children - our future. Today I participated in the action, which I hope is one of the small steps on the way to the world around me was better. Julia Shershakova, Showbiz News

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