Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Psyche" sing new songs and favorite hits

The flagship of the local alternative community, one of the explosion group would with a series of contemporary chamber acoustic solo performances on the biggest stages of the two capitals, winner RAMP, numerous parties "invasion" and apologists total distroya psyche psyche not be if it were not allowed me a little on the stage more than others. Your every action - real action, psychodrama with strings, the high point and hitting a backhand finish. The consequences are unpredictable and slam, jam, and a storm of emotions are guaranteed. Fans, keep your head. After working at full exhalation Siberian tour and participation in collective festivals, the band breathes - and on the verge of release this fall a long-awaited new album invites you to the full 2 years solo "presentation with a break." Before the break - only new songs from the first part of the upcoming version of a double after - favorite and best. For the first time in a long time in the posters did not show any employee or guest. Only it is - your favorite psyche, sometimes lyrical and almost always - with a hook and goosebumps. 26th Point in June, 20:00 o `clock.

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