Friday, March 1, 2013

Festival "Harvest" in Kolomenskoye: folk and fire

In early September, the park Kolomenskoye ethnic festival "Harvest" was with "Kirkincho sp." (Folk music of South American Indians), "Romanesque" (Irish harp duo), Anastasia Papisova (Irish harp), "Rada and Blackthorn + Clear Day", a dance studio Lilia Safina (Spain, Flamenco), "Tol Miriam" (acoustic folk Bard rock), "Tower Rowan") (writer folk-rock, "Shady Glen" (Scottish folk dance), "Mervent" (European Folk), "The Dartz" () pop-folk-rock, "Tintal" (folk rock). Set of musicians is very patchy, and connects it all the same passion for the Celtic musical creativity. The same crowd had gathered in the open air of the old Kolomna. Among the visitors were many appropriate dancing people prepared, so that the fields and the space in front of the stage is not empty for a minute. Group "Rada and Blackthorn" has his new robot Ansel Mika presents musician, wrote already. Mixed impression. On one side are overtone and sad horns reasonable sombre spirit songs Rada. On the other hand, nothing new in the music they make, emphasize the benefits available. But to better evaluate all the pros and cons of the new party "Rada and Thorns" from the album "Conspiracy", which is written in the studio. Funny-Volker always a lead to such events. Thus, the "Tower of Rowan", "The Dartz", "Tintal" with a rich assortment of devices and comic songs is got the most enthusiastic reception. Traditional "harvest" Dancing in the Dust is always fascinating. Fortunately, prepared the audience to dance spectacular and emotionally. Sometimes even more expressive than the dancers on stage doing the festival. Lead singer of "The Dartz" even a little insulted by the general bustle of dancing, "We do not interfere?" But the dancers do not even play attention to this note, but still in the "streams" and "snake". When evening came, the power of fire to use colorful than not slow to take advantage of the festival headliners "Harvest" - ". Tintal" a group of fire fans and glow in the dark balls immediately caught the attention of the audience. Fronmen Fedor resurrection in the intervals between regular singing rock Celtic fighter he. Pozhongiroval like fire with faerschikami The festival was a great success. Weather was sunny thanks to the efforts of the city on the day Luzhkov for most of September. What else you need real Volker? Is that the opening of the new location popular folk club "Heather"? Shortly before the opening. Vadim Ponomarev,

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