Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jeanne Aguzarova believes that the crisis is experienced

6th December CDK May attended Queen of Rock 'n' Roll Joan Aguzarova recognized. Scale of the event was. Also at the entrance to the club, where invited members of the press, were perceived to submit documents, photos, and clearly stated that the flash at the first concert was over The first "defensive" on the stage took the musicians, all tie and dark glasses. Cheeks each of the team members were decorated note or treble clef. Soon he was solemnly from Diva. Outrageous singer appeared before the audience in a silver dress to the floor, reminiscent of both scales and armor. Richly complement various decorations, up to a massive strap on the right ankle Outrageous singer appeared before the audience in a silver dress on the floor, on both scales and mail Home reminds 1 2 3 4 Final Continued

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