Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jeanne Aguzarova give a single concert in Moscow

28th May be at the scene of "16 Tons" Jeanne Aguzarova only concert in Moscow. Ivanna Andres. Nineties. Queen of Rock 'n' Roll. It generally has the right to call themselves as something - yes, and in general, for all. A woman who has the idea of what should be a rock-and-roll, in the Soviet Union, shocking and bright, the only change -. And this is not some hackneyed phrases, but a well known fact Her voice without a fight stages, their songs can be taken - a living history of this country, it is true it will stay with us forever, no matter what happens, their name - almost nominal. Jeanne Jeanne Aguzarova Aguzarova - is not only and not so much the "Bravo" and "Assa", "Musical Ring" or "The Russian Album", "Wonderland" and "Old Hotel" who have heard, it seems everything (and each can) sing by heart. Aguzarova - current time, artists who submit for the first time in several halls of fame, the human engine that began after a generation of new stars, on which it had a huge impact - enough, in the first place to call to Zemfira. In the life of Joan Hasanovna'll find a lot of controversial issues - all those "Martian" interview or a failed attempt to break through in the U.S., the picture is "not of this world" and on the edge of kitsch sense. But all this - too much, when we talk about music. This music, which connects the generations. These melodies and words. This woman - a great and unique in its exclusivity. May 28, "16 Tons" Jeanne Aguzarova, 21:00 o `clock.

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