Friday, March 1, 2013

Music of Northern Cyprus in Moscow, workshops, dances and songs

Of 4 to 10 November 2005 on the "heathen" place during the week of the folk music and dances of northern Cyprus. Cheerful and catchy music Cypriot, Greek, Turkish and Balkan motifs, costumes, musical instruments, beautiful dances - something new and fresh in the folk music of the capital. November 5, Saturday. Music of Northern Cyprus. The traditional music of Cyprus includes folk music, both Greece and Turkey. . In the Greek tradition, Louth is (a kind of lute), used in the Turkish - Beats, is the main instrument of the two cultures while the violin. Performs the role of percussion darbuka. Oriental rhythms emphasize exotic instruments such as accordion, kaval, kumbus and tambourine. For outdoor concerts is mainly used - davul (percussion instrument that is played with two sticks) and zurna (a wind instrument with a double reed). Kumbus -. An instrument similar to the banjo, with metal housing and wooden handle Kaval -. A traditional wind instrument with a mouthpiece whistles lady wooden flute that is made by hand from bamboo Zurna sounding similar to an oboe, but has a double tongue. Best of the plum tree zurna made. Louth and suggests very similar in appearance, but unlike the oud, Louth - fretted instrument and is used only for the Greek Cypriots supporting chords. Moscow audience will hear a unique opportunity to the diversity of the Eastern instruments of the original source. - Darbuka Huseyin Bomboz: Folk Music of Northern (Turkish) Cyprus will be represented by the following musicians. Party folk dance group and the community Degirmenlik Alaykoyskoy Association of Traditional Culture and Arts of Northern Cyprus in 1989, member of the Turkish Classical Music Orchestra of the Municipality of Famagusta. Khalil Seltsuk - Beats. Party folk dance group and the community Degirmenlik Alaykoyskoy Association of Traditional Culture and Arts Northern Cyprus from 1990 members. Cypriot Federation of Turkish classical music, which he plays on the eve. Ahmet ACARS - violin, Kaval. Since 1987, member of various dance groups, including the National Folk Dance Ensemble, which operates under the Ministry of Culture. Member of numerous international folk dance festivals in Turkey, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Holland, Canada and the USA. The main instrument of Ahmet - violin, but he is also fluent in Darbuka ud, accordion and Cavallo. On Saturday, 5 November, the club soon Heather is three musical events: 16.30 - (leads Khalil Seltsuk) workshop on playing the Oud 18.00 - Workshop on playing the darbuka (ACARS and lead Ahmet Huseyin Bomboz) 21.00 - concert of folk ensemble. Most of the music program, consisting of the propellant charge and fascinatingly beautiful songs and dance music. November 5, the association "Heather." Sign up at any time - 200 rubles for flyers or club card, 250 rubles - No. 6 November, Sunday. Dances of Northern Cyprus. In popular culture of Cyprus is 5 kinds of traditional dances: Karsilamas, Sirtos, Zeybeks, Ciftetellis & Arabiyes Topical and dances. Each of these names to hide their combination of rhythm and emotion, human sculptures and musical "language". Karsilama that of Turkish translated as "face to face" - one of the most expressive of the partner dance. Karsilamas-man trying to impress his partner shows their ability like a top, spinning springy bounce high in the air and spectacular fall on his knees in front of a lady. The feet and the hands of the dancers sometimes repeatedly hit a rhythm on the ground, according to the changing patterns of the music. Sirtos - perhaps the favorite dance Cypriots checking power of true friendship. When one of the dancers to perform more complex movements began, risked losing his balance to finish its neighbors, and the dance. Become a reliable support for each other Unlike Karsilama and Sirtos, Zeybeks - slow dance. This is - the least traumatic way for men to show their always, courage and strength of his personal charm. Dancers dignity, pride keeps the royal carriage, charming women's elegant appearance. Women also have the opportunity to dance to win the elect, especially if the dance - or Ciftetellis Arabiyes. Use in his graceful movements hunters the whole arsenal of weapons female: Shoot eyes shake her head, waved hair, rolled his shoulders, hips play - the men would have remained indifferent to have this! Finally Topical Dances - follow colorful dances, the outside world: the habits of the animals, forces of nature, and these dances also show various symbolic rites, love stories, deadly battle ... Each dance - a small measure. So, Orak - Harvest Dance - performed by men shows his skillful handling of several sickles; Kozan groom dancing at the wedding, and the vital part of the dance - a pitcher of water and coins, which shares the bride for good luck. Kartal - dance beat eagles on their prey, and the traditional Topal - the story of chromium groom, the bride's father is overcome machinations. Leads a master class choreographer Ali Guler - so far - dancer State Dance Ensemble of the people of Northern Cyprus, and now - dance teacher and choreographer Alaykoyskoy Association of Traditional Culture and Arts of Northern Cyprus in 2000, will be supported by four dancers Association - two boys and two girls. In a fun and relaxed atmosphere, they will show the numbers of all Cypriot traditional dances. Very nice and not as difficult as it might seem at first glance Start the master class - at 18.00 clock, and from 21.00 to flow smoothly in a concert, there was dancing and fun dance music to be able to the dancers Cypriots will dance with demonstrations, and all those present, the learned concentrates have to dance with the master but the classroom. C Moscow party guests will be met by staff "gaiteros de Moscu" - ensemble Galician bagpipes (Victor Brinks, Mr. Cherepovskiy, Andrew Bayramov) with Mediterranean hour program. Approval by club cards and flyers - 200 rubles, without - 250 Club Address "Heather" Arbat street, 22, door on the left.

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