Friday, March 1, 2013

Opened in Moscow club quality music

First opened in Moscow club for professional musicians, producers, sound engineers and all fans of this quality music. Club supporters that do not worry about the quality of the music at home. First Music Club - the first music club and his name was not chosen at random. FM Club sets the fine tradition of the club created by professionals for professionals. Its founders claim that First Music Club - The club with the best sound in Moscow. Built with love for his work he put the details: a special acoustic design and modern technical equipment allow full and the audience and the musicians enjoy the clear and beautiful sound. Another feature of the club on the earthen wave, was that the first room was no place for a concert stage, and completely rebuilt for the live shows. - In addition, FM Club is also a kind of studio is any message can be recorded in 48 channels. The sound quality of such data is so good that it immediately to bear on the radio. Music Politics First Music Club is the quality of the music is playing. Therefore, the club is not accepted demos every Monday and comfortable listening to organize a casting call for the right to concerts. First Music Club is not only musically, but also the education club. Within its walls are master classes and workshops in which professional musicians, producers and engineers carried out their experiences with everyone. Wednesday at FM Club - a special day, because on Wednesday jam sessions where musicians who saw each other was held for the first time, impromptu concerts for the whole night. Schedule of upcoming gigs: 12 October Thu Workshop: Sergey Manukyan jazz singing. Swing, Improvisation. Combining the functions of a musician and singer-instrumentalist leader. 19.00 clock The Stokes / Nikolai Demidov 22.00 Fri 13 October Workshop: White Ostrog unique seminar on "Full Contact". Violin, guitar. You can come with their instruments. Is the opportunity to play together with famous musicians have. Jazz Lobster 19.00 22.00 Sat 14 October Workshop: Sergei Voronov (gr. "Crossroads") Blues in Russia 18.00 Bon Jovi Party 20.00 Thu 15 October 17th Marimba plus 22.00 October Tu Fedulova Xenia and the "Red Fish" 21.00 Wed 18 October NinetyNine (Australia) (Indie Rock) 19 22:00 Thurs October Sun City R'n'B - 21.00 Band Fri 20 October, United Kingdom 22.00 Sat 21 October Workshop drummer Dennis Liflenga Bastards 25th 15.00 22.00 Thu 22 October crisis dance Wed 21.00 October 26th Jam 21.00 October Thu carefully, Sat Adelia 21.00 Fri 27 October 28 October Zeitnot 22.00 22.00 1st Dmitry Chetvergov Wed 2 November November Jam Thurs 21.00 Durov Corner, gasoline 3rd 21.00 November is not an option Fri 22.00 Sat 4 clock November SEEN! KNOW! 22.00 clock Sunday 5 Crocodile TX 7 November 22.00 November Tue thumb beat Admire 20.00 Wed 8 November R'n'B / Jam 21.00/22.30 9th November Thurs Adrian Alexander 22.00 Fri 10 November Copernicus 22.00 Sat November 11 White Ostrog 22.00

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