Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tam (lumens): Do not feel like people I do not shoot!

Tam Bulatov backstage festival "Russian Lessons" said Music News Americanization of the Russian language and how he is going to shoot in the war. - The festival is called "Russian Lessons", but it seems a lot of groups with English names. How do you feel about the Americanization of Russian feeling? - By Americanization am perfectly calm. At the time, the Russian language many words come from Latin, from the French, and in principle, all these loans have enriched the language. I do not see the negative aspects of this process. And why not? I think that no matter what the borrowing. Despite the fact that there are not some new forms of colloquial language, the Russian language has become poor because there will always be people who are well they communicate and stay Russian language is invincible! Russian language is invincible! - Normally at festivals and played the most famous hits, you're made especially their program of songs from the new album. Why is that? - Today at the festival was a lot of people who did not listen to us, and some other groups, and we want these people to the fact that we care and are interested now introduce, because to play all the time - Hits it is how it is in a place of stagnation. - But still no "Sid and Nancy" did not do it. - We thought about it and came to the conclusion to remove that most favorite songs are - not good. We are judged by me, if you as a spectator at a concert and go suddenly do not hear one of their favorite songs, do a cool show, but that's why they do not play, do not play, so we decided to show, new material, but not to turn to a rod. - Today's celebration coincided with the sad event - the anniversary of the war in South Ossetia, but none of the guys on the stage, it reminds. What do you think it was necessary to talk about the war? - We have told about it on stage, but not in the head. Those who know the date and understood our message, to understand why we sang the song. "All of the faith and the love of this world" Those who do not know they live in a different society, and they are about other issues. For other artists, it is, first, the question for themselves, and secondly, it is unfortunately the effects of some journalists. In the sense that people sometimes sincere and from the heart says something from the scene, and he was accused in the media that he is trying to create in his own image, that these statements neblagonamerennye, disingenuous, and people only play public. - What would you do if you today, tomorrow knew the war? - When was the war in Chechnya, I did nothing. I can not say that some of my conversations, interviews, songs -. "Chegonibuddelane" because it was obvious what was going on, and it is still not clear what happened at all This war has left a lot of questions hanging in the air. When tomorrow starts a war, as a year ago., And they tell me that I need as a soldier, as a reserve officer (I reserve lieutenant, I swore to their country), then I go back where I was sent If you happen to any war, which I will not mention, this means that the country is struggling to know who, and I be of use elsewhere, because there is no desire to shoot people, to be honest, I have not. Julia Shershakova, News Showbiz photo Vlad Zhukov, Showbiz News

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