Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Elena Pogrebizhskaya came in a terrible car accident

23rd September on the way from Voronezh to Moscow singer Helen Pogrebizhskaya has in a car accident. Here is what she wrote in her online diary: "We went from Voronezh to Moscow, it was 5.00 clock in the morning, the large majority were sleeping driver was not asleep, stopped sponsor and tour manager minibus near double trucks and Sleepless went for a truck as needed door .... and began to spin down the street. I have a dream neck ached from the uncomfortable lie. blow with some crash woke me up. wake up not immediately find myself in front of the window, in another part of the machine. pressed against him head and understand that in the next moment there is no glass, and out of my nose lumps see blood drops This did not surprise me, for some reason, before Shiloh, covered in blood with facial who says one sentence .. "broken glasses, glasses. .. "And then I heard, we had an accident. Helena Pogrebizhskaya immediately after the accident my left Olya sat with a surprised face, she is usually very unusual, with the forehead was dripping blood. realized that the damn thing it is not clear, at least his arms and legs were all intact in appearance. rise did not work long leg got caught chairs. my perception was cloudy, as if they wake up to failure at the end. jeans were wet and stuck, blood or spilled sweet tea . Blood. Someone picked out the head of a cotton wool. If successful, I could see the bus from the side. He hesitated at the point where we were sitting with Andrei, and was similar compression tin. meta shadow, it is a group of guys go back and forth and do something. Where the hell, first aid kit? After a while the driver pulled opoloumevshy medicine cabinet and from there we took the cotton and bandages. There was a feverish stupor. No one has ever thought of in the past few hours to find iodine in the medicine cabinet or something alcoholic. - What did you do? - I have nothing but the hand is cut, - said Andrei Goncharov, to blind without glasses, like Shiloh, and fled into the darkness. Someone throws up right in the cab. He was definitely sostryasenie. Pate went and said something about another car. What other car? At the side of our bus passenger has grown. In the back seat rattling human blood and pricked, it was clear that he punctured a lung. The man was breathing with the pipes and irregular intervals. View was very scary. On the hood was another. In short, we drove away from the truck and the driver saw the corner of his eye, that he flying car would fail and slip between a car and a passenger, but could not. He crashed into us, and we - the car. Drove truck usually felt nothing, and after an hour, when he was awakened by the police question, "Well, you tell me how it was," said "NPD, I was asleep." It was at seven. We were on a terrible cold track and explanations bulls. "And how is your band called?" - Policeman in glasses we collect a statement. "Hmmm ..." - We all looked at each other and were not in a position to say. "Well, I say, be earlier than Butch" -.. "Hey, this is the famous band and a singer, I've seen them in Comedy Club" Yes, we said Pate any reason portostudiyu from the crumpled car. taken and it. in the middle of the road Shiloh was bad. He sat in the car and kept saying that it was all nothing and holding a rimless glasses. He was sent to Moscow for the first time. Then all parts of the track went to hospitals. Elena Pogrebizhskaya hospital Ole stitched head, left five stitches. She has a concussion. Shiloh decided not to sew. He dissects the forehead, and in the course of a concussion. Acne that does not seem to hurt, I found that day under his eyes blurred large black eyes. Andrei Goncharov cut. Pate, who was my mother the next day his mother fed, watered and moved realized that lame. I seem, broken nose, concussion and injured two upper vertebrae. In the mirror I clean Jasmine. Vitaly said that the car noticed that I had a hooked nose, but I thought the way it should, it just was not noticed. Tomorrow we have a rehearsal room. So far things are going. There are a few images on the phone with one night in olive street, but the download has not happened. There are two of me, in the afternoon, "actress has already stated, however, that all take place after concerts:". Today is better. The face is painted. Nose found sensitivity, but it would not be better. None of the shows that we will not stop. "- Says the singer:" I can say that for me, the song "While I breathe," now means something more than before - says Lena Pogrebizhskaya. - Live - it's so beautiful ... Tabula Rasa "Birthday Lena Pogrebizhskaya September 29 at the place". "

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