As it turned out, no wonder musicians "Crematorium" with some caution expecting a litter from the Promised Land to Norilsk. And now in shock, hitting from the sky is not even on and under the ground. In Israel, it was wonderful - and concerts and recreation, and travel. Was a very decent and organizing trips where desire "crematorium" thanks to Dima and Vlad and their prosperity. In the beginning everything was good and culturally: went to the holy places, to Tabor Galilee to the Jordan River, the lake where Jesus walked Aki assemble only on dry land. It is, in fact, about the only freshwater lake in Israel, and the whole country is drinking water from there. In the evening went on the Mediterranean Sea, where a ritual viewing of the sunset. Inspired by what he saw, and illuminated Grigoryan against the setting sun shamanic dance and won acclaim all beach. The action was recorded in the history of video recording engineer Hedgehog, and if Armenia Sergeyevich overcome innate modesty, maybe it is for the general public. Concert in Jerusalem, despite visiting VODKi birthday party was the most intelligent of late. Hall was with seats, listened very carefully and thoughtfully, and musicians have the impression that were in the theater. Very fun and festive turned a concert in Tel Aviv. It belongs to the city, attended by CT (with Peter and Rostov), so the atmosphere was less academic. And so will the Holy Land continues all was well and with dignity. Alas: after the concerts were not kvass dedicated to the anniversary, and if so, the fans did not meet the schedule for hooliganism and ugly, I had to make up for the musicians. Try the delicious drinks and smoked a cigarette from living plants, decided to try some krematortsev local, highly attractive working conditions women sexual front. But they could not come together in the price with their team leader: the argument that "we in Khimki is worth $ 50 and not more", but these were never received. Hot Moscow boys tried to convince the guy with light abuse, but it had no effect. But the most important holiday of the guys made a Israeli border guards, recalled seemingly causeless harassment last last year. For a start, bought the last day of the Tretyakov harpoon coming clear on the matter and not near water. But for some reason, put it in the Slavin case with keys. And customs officers tortured them with long Bukharov, Th for a gun, why hide when water etc. Krematortsy like mowed by idiots. (At home, by the way, no problems - although grenade deadheading) But the real fun began when the track had two buckets of dirt that the technician Tretyakov Pasha dug in the Dead Sea. Border guards suspected, not without reason, that it is none other than the plastids, and after 5 minutes, Ben-Gurion stood on the ears. Arrival in Norilsk, the musicians found themselves in the realized nightmare. Expected, of course, "the Arctic Circle permafrost" - but they see it, they could not even have imagined. Jaw fell open as well hang up now. The feeling that came to Mars - nothing to do with, in principle, be a man. There are no trees, no birds. From the airport went through the lost concrete strip, and on both sides - with craters, such as land and roll giant red rocks littered. Then there was a small town. When arrived, it turned out that this city of the dead - Abandoned Railroad empty ramshackle buildings, broken windows, and order - a cemetery stainless steel appliances. Then there was smoke in the distance. Impression that were in the movie "From Dusk Till Dawn" - hell, of course. It turned out that he is in a depression Norilsk, and on both sides - on the huge steel mills that operate continuously in the air throw toxic sludge. And it's a crazy idea that the treatment plant can not be built because they accumulate sulfur and everything explodes. Better to breathe the gray people. Poison, even occasionally flies to Canada, and our brave Canadians oligarchs pay huge fines. The situation in the city, just terrible: the wind in two directions, and if today is poisonous smog from a plant tomorrow - on the other side. Streets and dilapidated houses, the summer solstice, which is periodically marred snowstorm (letom!), the next version. The boys told a horrible story, as recently flew several gulls, like chickens, a stray dog attacked and eaten. Just about the only bright spot in all this horror and the main local attraction - the family lives in a small miserable cell of brown bears: Mike, Mary, and daughter. The people of Norilsk "very good, a little infantile, with sad eyes, similar to the test" - the description of the musicians .. And live in CT was mainly the people who have to live in such terrible conditions, share with them the support of energy and joy. Colossal difference between Norilsk and the world's biggest good friend expressed CT Mars (which is symbolic) living in two cities: "If I wake up and shout crows, I realize that I am in Moscow and if total silence - that in Norilsk.." help ============ 18.06.2005 - Moscow, club "Orange", 20:00 o `clock.
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