Nevertheless, there are in our show-business successful artists whose work not under the structure imposed media format. Nikolay Noskov not eager to please. Maybe that's why in the last thirty years, the fans keep him faithful, and considered the "tail" of show business with his opinion. While there is a different version of a successful career. They say that to obtain the authority of the singer's unwavering help of a very powerful political structures. Who helped create such a strong musical and material basis, the actor confessed "Argumenty Nedeli." - Nicholas, unlike our colleagues to boycott targeted TV. - Some time ago I took part in the TV show "Star", where he sang with Kate Strizhenova. Interestingly enough, to be honest. Why are you - a professional musician - sing with unprofessional person? Professional loses in this situation. But if you agree that it's a game, then it turned out okay. The first three days of shooting, I felt bad, but then I realized that all this smacks of some clowning, and I was bored. I do not want me to waste on such nonsense. Fortunately, I am a free man, and I can afford it. To make music. In the spring, my new album: "It's worth it." I plan to remove the clip. Now a lot of touring. Very tight schedule, and all sold out. Nikolay Noskov - How to plan a new genre, or to surprise the public image? - I have changed a lot perception. It has become more realistic, maybe harder. And surprise - it is not my profession. - They say that these new sensations, the "feed" you in India? - Partial. Previously was always there. It is not possible today. I do not know why, but it was there, and "sticks". Want to do some philosophical, spiritual, guided by these feelings think then to come here and tell everyone in musical form. In Moscow, such thoughts did not come. And the climate is different. It is very difficult to wake up in the morning. It's snowing, it is necessary to fight for his drowsy state, and the work on the stomach, because it is cold and keep you warm. And there is nothing like, hot, and perfect freedom - you can read, think, and nothing can knock you out of the rut. Negativity remains. - Maybe the whole thing is there, the "philosophical stimulants." For marijuana, as ... - In India, even on the street, I saw people with a cigarette, not the drugs. Although weak in spirit and its use. As for marijuana as a kind of cult, the smoke there is usually admirer Lord Shiva - Saivites. Personally, I'm neutral on marijuana. I'm not sure, but let's all be the right choice. - Honestly, recently surprised at the "right choice" by the artist heard. In show business fixed cloning and adjustments under certain commercially calculated frame. Do not feel that you lose individuality? Tailor made for today's scene really -. And rock 'n' roll has different forms. Was less protest. In this country, it was a socially - against all kinds of restrictions. Music is in constant conflict with society. And the church is hard to resist, it did not reject. Want to do porn - porn do! As for me ... Did you see that I? For someone who aligned I've never worked for someone else and did not try to belong to someone - either the sponsor or one of the clans. This dilutes the brain and begins to interfere with creativity. - You can afford it - the President of your fans. It is said that a large part of your career and a reputation built on the support of our government ... - You can not hide - like my work for different people. But the authorities have often prohibited, not helped. In the 80 years when I was in the "Moscow" has worked for the look I generally as a fascist. Find compromises I did not. Time itself put everything in its place. But the policy - not my area. And I'm in it mainly never rushed. - However, as a secular party. Why do you avoid the "prestigious Proms?" You might have a phobia? - (Laughs) That's invite - I will always go with you. - By the way, but as you move forward in your personal life. Some time ago, the enthusiasm you can by his wife Marina divorced? - I'm not divorced. That's it. Spouse remains with homework, and we are all normal. - Do you have a grown daughter. Would you marry a man you like you? - It would be nice. (Laughs) I'm not the last one, and character, and for other qualities. Although the choice of their husbands did, I can not contribute. But often advise her not to hurry. - Successful career PRIORITY for you family? - That's not true. Endeavor to ensure that a family needs. But now is the time when the ratio of the family as a fortress has disappeared. You all today is in a very strange situation. The world is walking a matriarchy, and you, on the one hand, should as breadwinner and the other be -. Show a woman you did not say, "Well, you're a man, so what's next? "- often nostalgic about past times? Perhaps the lack of courage that is with "Gorky Park" have been? - Today is "Courage" normal. But the work in America and "Gorky Park" - it was a moment that could change a lot in my life. But not changed. And thank God! I liked America. By itself, such as land, which is great. But is this attitude is absolutely not my style. - You have friendly relations with famous musicians with whom you are used to keep playing? - These often come Scorpions, but she "knocks" scary. I do not drink spirits. Bon Jovi were very cordial relationship. I was at his house, a sign of his family. With the rest - just a meeting. With the Red Hot Chili Peppers in concert, we worked with Kiss. There were just talking about - drinking, talking ... But the separation quickly erase all. They often come here. But the concert artists who still believe their idols do not go especially. Cancel. They are old, look terrible, go with a belly ... I'm much better at home, including video and kayfanu of them, from the young. Rock 'n' roll - the music of youth. And at 30, this was not the same.
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