Monday, January 21, 2013

"Crematorium" to explain why he is not playing at rock festivals this summer

Why "crematorium" not to play at the festival? - The public interest. Respond. The refusal to take part in concerts with many participants was mainly associated with the poor, as a rule, the technical organization of such events. After two years with the arrival of new guitarist, decided to try it - on "Invasion" in Almaty, says official website. It turned out that everything remains as before - "Bazaar station" and completely unprofessional attitude. And it concerns the most important component of any concert - the sound. A sense that the technician did not care, and most importantly the audience. Musicians just off the plane, without a break, come to set up and ready to take action to do what they can. And at the concert - as if nothing had happened, all in all the bounce, and if there is something wrong, no one responds. When CT came to play, he was immediately Fonit guitar speaker - no scratches, and rushed to krematorsky techniques Pasha correct. Then he left a large drum that is natural for slippery scene. Asked the local engineers, we pad the drum? A x € D knows forget probably. After "crematorium" traded "Fuck," she bran portals. Some time later burned several generators, and the sound came the real PC. And everyone who came to the stage, starting with the fact that "yes has not heard, hear nothing," and tried the situation, rather than manage to play music. Feedback from present and watched on TV, still managed to break through CT, and then not start the concert, and the fight with the sound. "As a result - not a rock festival, a brothel, especially because carotid, half drunk - staff" - the view of witnesses. And you want the question: How long still? How long will thrive blades moronic attitude towards his job in humans associated with rock 'n' roll "How long an action that more than 4-5 teams involved will automatically crowd teenager Dorval papashinogo alcohol How long wailing and gnashing of defective device will be considered as indicators zazhigalova, slope and drive considering how long viewers and listeners will examine amount zalivshego bovine eyes, which is not in a position to judge the quality of what is happening not a stage? Sorry, gentlemen . "crematorium" spent many years trying to get a good sound at the concert. course this can be seen as tainted, but musicians are always fun to expect from what is happening on stage. And generously share them with the audience. And , unfortunately, to play in the circumstances described above at festivals -. real torture who still need hp great respect and appreciation from the "K" of the journalists at the Alma-Ata "invasion" The tents in which they did not run,?. what is in operation, it was difficult - the heat and humidity of wild Labor productivity is fair, and the administration maintain the goodwill and interest upright Concert Schedule "crematorium" 07/23/2005 Moscow, SC "5th Avenue".. club "EL INCA CLUB" (M. "October Field", Marshala Birjuzova, 32, t.721-88-00), 22:00 29/07/2005 Moscow, club "Point" (Lenin Prospekt, 6, Building 7) , 22:30 Concert tickets online 05/08/2005 Moscow Club "Concert" (formerly "Caligula", earthwork, 50, M. "Kursk", t.933-48-39), acoustics, 13/8/2005 21:30 Odessa, Ukraine Music and Drama Theater (Odessa Street. Pasteur 15), 19.00 08/20/2005 Moscow, club "16 tons" (Presnensky Val, 6), 23:00 08/26/2005 Moscow, club "kind of garbage" ("Back Room" by Starosadsky., 5, t.928- 87-45), 23,00. Acoustics

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