Monday, January 21, 2013

"Crematorium" was the owner of six star power

After you leave the musician "crematorium" traveled to Odessa in different ways in different places: Attracted by Kiev krematorsky webmaster Jura Veres and a great friend of Sasha assistant Khomenko. Guitarist "crematorium" Vladimir Burhel came from Sevastopol, was poor Grigoryan from a vacation on the plane, and the other members of the ensemble rolled train from Moscow. Together, the musicians have experienced terrible thunderstorm. "Pearl of the Sea" pretty podtopilo. Cars flooded by the glass, and even a "KAMAZ" stuck. The restaurant, where good company breakfasted had to evacuate with chairs, and bassist-touchy Tretyakov was carrying in her arms by the raging waters of the violinist Bukharov. But luckily the sun came out quickly and "Crematorium" happy that meet mandatory program: autograph session, press conference, go to the people. Then the team went to the soundcheck and Grigoryan - on television, where the "front-engine", gave an exclusive interview to his old friend Dima Ivanov. Before the concert came Grigorian said Ira Voronkov and Odessa fans and organizers want to make a gift. "Big? The plane or train as you want?" - Said Grigoryan. No, absolutely not. Here arms naprazdnovavshis probably already decided that would give an elephant. How Africa - and the logic of this is better done after the song "Zebra". And when the people came with two sheets of paper in his hands, and could not assume that they learned on the stage a huge star of the sixth magnitude, which is in the constellation Perseus! Decide with the musicians to look at it more closely - Adult luminary, with a pass in English and Russian, a certificate of title and the map. So now "crematorium" will shine in heaven. After the concert, asked poor donor luminaries, why in the constellation Perseus? Based on the song "Andromeda", where it is referred to the constellation? But it turns out it's not that simple. Was drawn horoscope "Crematorium", on the basis of birth - the last Friday in November 1983. And it turned out that the baby was actually under the appropriate constellation! From these, the abundance of mysticism in his life musician ofigeli accustomed, and the pleasures of a lavish party was placed directly on the Black Sea. Shining Star - and crematorium among them, near the hills of Arcadia was music and dancing half-naked girls. Pagan holiday was so good that even come to deal with the riot police not to carry out his duties and could not get help. The next morning, however, was not so much fun. And could go compete in Formula 1 Karting by CT only Grigoryan and Voronkov. Karting is not for the kids -. Length, girl controller with check boxes, and even the fans Grigorian was so away feeling fit not performed in the curve. Even almost lost my head, and the CT team has lost valuable time. The victory went to the hosts, and rightly so. It was very sad to leave - "CT" really had a special feeling for the Ukrainian fans. Genuine hospitality, friendliness and sincerity is deserved for a long time mutual love musicians. The only thing that was bold krematortsam cry - is forthcoming visit of the famous Kiev, 23 August. Concert schedule "crematorium" 20/08/2005 Moscow, club "16 tons" (Presnensky Val, 6), 23:00 22/08/2005 Bryansk, KTSZ "Friendship" was 08/23/2005 19:00 Kiev, "Docker pub" (ul.Bogatyrskaya, 9, (044) 451-8528 is), 19:00 08/26/2005 Moscow, club "-type garbage" ("Back Room" by Starosadsky., 5, t.928-87-45), 23.00. Acoustics 08.30.2005 Saratov ("Dynamo" stadium). The first Volga Rock Festival 03/09/2005 Moscow, club "Bunker" (Tverskaya, 12, T.200, 1506), 09.09.2005 23:30 Moscow, club "Tabula Rasa" (Kazakova street, 8-A), 00:00 26.11. 2005 St. Petersburg's Palace of Youth (ul.Popova, 47, M. "Petrograd" t.230-43-34), 19: 00 Birthday of "Crematorium" 27/11/2005 Moscow club "Point" (Lenin Prospekt, 6, Building 7). Birthday of "Crematorium"

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