Monday, September 2, 2013

Fadeev is female glucose more

Glucose new song "This is Love" is in rotation on Russian radio stations in the spring, probably late March. Management originally planned to give the title-artist publish in January, but the original version, in which the actors rap producer Maxim Fadeev seemed too aggressive, and the song had to be renewed. Become "The new version of" This Kind of Love "is slow, lyrical, it is no longer bits - Intermedia correspondent was told in the press service of the singer -. The words are the same, but now the glucose is not rap, but sings. Yes, and they will appear in a gentle way, because that's what we did, it seemed Maxim Fadeev too aggressive. "glucose-clip, which was shot on this route had to re-also for a new vision of the song to wire, but his idea is the same - it will appear in the glucose as a stripper who dances in a luxurious strip club. Most likely it will be in the rotation at the same time proceed with the appearance of the song on the radio. The song, "This Kind of Love" will be included on the new album, the glucose release is yet to be determined. "Maxim Fadeev decided to change the image of glucose on a feminine, - explained in the press service of the singer -. Committee decided that they no longer such singing!" Hooligan "songs such as" Dance, Russia "face, then the material to be completely overhauled. "

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