Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fraudsters stole price Alla Pugacheva

Fickle fate price of Alla Pugacheva, who presented at the competition "Five Star" singer Alain Vysotsky medal "worthy" and 10 thousand dollars. Scammers fraudulently lured money from gullible singer and the fate of her new album was threatened. It turns out that Alain Vysotsky came some time ago in the hands of fraudsters. They came up with an ingenious combination, attract money Alla Pugacheva. Here's what they Music News Alain. Mysterious Producer - When I needed a producer for the album, I was a casual acquaintance with some foreign manufacturers, heritage-rich Nigerian family, flown in a few days in Moscow. His name is George. George tells me that he had a large amount of money, more than $ 2 million, and he is willing to spend it on my promotion. Family money, they have war in Nigeria, and he carried the money through France. Now the case with the money needed to hide somewhere. I immediately refused to take the money. I found it suspicious that give a complete stranger as a large sum of money. He begins to ask for help, arguing that Moscow had no other friends. I was naive and trusting person, I decide to help. But first, George asks him to pay a hotel temporarily blocked his credit. I give him to pay thousands of dollars for the hotel, if a little strange. But I continue to believe. Alain Vysotsky fell into the hands of fraudsters case with black money case arrives a few days with the money, allegedly by the U.S. Embassy. We are open for hotel packed metal-case packs black notes in vacuum packaging. George opened a pack, and thus fills the bottle with a strange liquid. He explains that it is very harmful radioactive substance, the black foil away with these bills. A black cover is not dollars made at customs rayed. We wear masks, mixes it with water, chemical residues, and throws it in a few notes. In my eyes they are not black, and are ordinary dollars. I'm going with my friend in the heat exchanger - whether it's real black dollars. In return, they take, and no doubt that in a hotel the whole case with real dollars, I no longer have. Should happen before my eyes. Money is the real thing! Continue the fun began. I declare that lost the chemicals necessary for the "development" dollars and thickened their full potential. And we have to buy in the laboratory at the U.S. embassy a special solvent. Then the solution is able to "clean up" all packs of dollars out of pocket. Money laundering George falls to his knees and cried, "My poor father," and again asked to help pay for this terrible desired solvent. We go to the chemist go, and they announce the price for Solvent - $ 9000. Again, I hesitated, but had decided to pay again. Moreover, we must somehow already spent the first thousand dollars. And the money - that they are in a case in my eyes turned into real dollars. As a pledge that they will not disappear with my money, this gave me a case with negros bills. I'm sitting in a hotel with him, and my friend went with the money to buy from the solvent. George comes from this message with a bottle of solvent, there, sitting in his car, and told to go to the hotel. When we opened the bottle, it was an ordinary lemonade. A negros immediately disappeared. Awful deception I was in a ridiculous situation. There is no money, the hotel paid for a day, and the food is no money left. I'm not a businessman there. In general, "threw" complete me. And in one case was an ordinary black paper. The format of dollars I'm still desperately poured lemonade on her this ... Of course there are no dollars. I can still cut the black packing paper on memory. I tried to find these crooks, appealed to various law enforcement agencies. But no one has seriously is not even trying for them - Alain sad prize Alla. - Now I have the money waved at hand, took her new album, "I see you", it comes on 5 Ago via CD Country. I even promised to help Larisa Dolina at the same "five stars", but still blocked in some bureaucratic procedures, and nothing happened. So the album "I see you" is fully accepted by me in my studio. Guru KEN,

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