Sunday, September 1, 2013

Glucose was the good fairy "Cinderella 2.0"

Glucose, the new reality show "Cinderella 2.0" channel "MTV-Russia", which kicks off on September 19. Participation in the show is the ordinary girl who turned the team on TV shows beauties will be. Addition to glucose who had inherited the role of the Fairy Godmother, the team Eugene Glosh stylist, makeup artist Sawa, a surgeon and cosmetologist Andrew Iskornev, choreographer Nicholas Burlak includes etc. Timing week program is 60 minutes, in which the audience the gradual Conversion to see Cinderellas into princesses "Of course, very different girls come -. together with Intermedia glucose. - Sometimes it seemed that quite a hopeless case. And it is often not so much the girls wanted to change appearance as you change your attitude, and they learn to love and accept themselves as they are. Our psychologists had done a tremendous job. But I want to say that we do not feel sorry for you if you want to reach for perfection. By participating in person, I was completely ruthless: she forced, on a 24 hours a day, the work all carefully controlled. "Currently filming the first season of the reality show is over yet - every day until the end of September glucose in the MTV studios carried out for 8-10 hours, it took so much shoot each edition of the program As the correspondent InterMedia the press. Service of glucose, because the shooting was in "Cinderella 2.0" actress, the maximum reduction in all other activities, including the work in the studio and talk to the press. But at the end of September, the singer returned to the normal operating mode. Glucose for "Cinderella 2.0" is not the first experience as a TV presenter - before that, she led the program "Children's pranks" on STS channel. Broadcast of the program at 19.00 clock.

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