Glucose added that it should always be, "that the Earth is spinning around me." (Did you manage to keep the child) "In any case, for me is never boring, for example, recently. We rest a large company for us to do one of our trusted friends, He is Armenian arms I always get them.. names mixed. we discuss, which restaurant to go, and then I remember that poor Jew. And I'm worried for everyone. I think, "What's he like to eat in the restaurant, and he needed to go kosher food." It started is quickly scroll in his head, then fell, as if on purpose silent, and I give in silence: "Rudolph, and you are a Jew" His face changes, the company with laughter, and my husband is laughingly replied, "He and poor Armenian. "And all the companies within two weeks he was as Rudolf." (As once in Music) "My grandmother played the piano, but without any special training. Brought her friend, Peter B., who is now 95 years old. He campaigned of all time, "Let's give her granddaughter to a music school." Where, but not for long. because we have combed all teachers with the same brush. I did not want in the concept of what a musician should be fit, so I was said that from me will not work "(Due mostly communicated with men):".. Because I like men, I feel perfectly among them men see me as an equal, sharing the most intimate, if I'm friends with them, too. about their problems in a relationship talk. I advise them with their feminine perspective. Me with men for women easier too many "cockroaches", and I, by the way, is no exception (laughs). "(EASY TO HIDE HER school was THAT glucose):" I'm mad at the school, because there are organized gangs that have been divided into different clans. A clan said it was Jeanne Aguzarova, the other that she was the wife of Max Fadeev, third was that even Maxim Fadeev and processed voice. I wanted to stand up and scream in the middle, I'm there. But I grew up on the street, and once gave secrecy, it was bursting but keep it up! When I saw it all in concert, and after that I went to school, someone was offended, someone threw me to make friends. I had already received a certificate in Slate, shorts, I have no clothes. And it was, and written on the brow of: "Now you know who I am" (why, when she was 17, she did not want to marry at 30) "Young was stupid (laughs) Every day, I'm sure. we do not at present. ". I will never" Because once you say it, make sure you want to do the opposite when I met with Maxim Fadeev, I met a boy, and the producer said, "I'm going to marry" He said, "Wait a minute, your life has just begun. This is not the last man in your life. "Then I entered a new stage, I kept saying," What a wedding ... what kind of man, what kind of kids I hang up to 30, to life, travel, novels enjoy "As soon as I said, I met my husband, got married, had a child." (OTHER LEE and her husband) "We, on the one hand, it seems like. Both are very fun, love music, love, family and friends. But he's breathing, and I'm breathing. Taste. Sometimes I think that if it were not for Sasha (Alexander Chistyakov, husband .. - Ed.) ". Implemented (HOW Maxim Fadeev on the news of the marriage)," I'd do the roof flew Before my marriage, he observed was monitored protect yourself from many things. And when I said that I was getting married, he behaved like a father. Acquaintance with Sasha and said to me: "You won the lottery Take care of him.." And he said, "you say" Blessed and passed from hand to hand. Our relations are close, but stayed his care was different. "(I have no idea to leave the stage after marriage)," None. First of all would have gone crazy, because I also need to earth revolved around me. Home fall after three days of the revolution already and say, "Go somewhere else already working." (HOW TO APPLY TO EXTREME) "When I first parachute jump, the only thought in my head was," Why? "When landed, I thought:" This is a thrill! "But today, when I became a mother, that threshold was greater fear I am not worried for himself, and I think:".. As the little man will be without me "Now I need to be with her husband in the same plane hate flying because I think who will be my children. I love to fly separately, so that on the floor, the other was in the air. Or all together in the same plane. "(As her daughter)" Yes it's just me character to determine in two years still hard, but the temperament -. Fire "(NO FEAR does not conflict with my daughter)," On the contrary, this is great, we understand each other. I know that she likes: only suggest what is interesting for me. I'll try to be her daughter's friend. And when they happen in your personal life had at the time of young love, I want the first one to occur. Some mothers are mother. Like, everything is fine, but it lost contact with the child, and the child is true for support to friends, girlfriends who give are not always able to. Itself, roughly speaking, when the girl's first love, they become sexually active, I think the degree of super-confidence when the child was 17 years old when pregnant, is the mother, and not run to doctors search with their friends and call doctors. I want to get my daughter with all the difficult situations in life to me. "(" Lisa. Guter Rat ", September 2009. Intermedia)
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