Monday, September 23, 2013

Lera Masskva subjected terror

Lera Masskva suffered his reluctance to go to the last cent scene before the audience during the filming of Novgorod, on the "Moose TV". Director of the program overlaid their rudeness. It all started from the time Lera and saw before him a long, thin tongue on the podium, which we patch on the round. Frightened fall shy singer plaintively asked to sing only the stage. However, she was not allowed, and in the order given, to pass through the dangerous path. Leroux Masskva Terrorized When the first song Masskva is requested again, to release it away from the edge of the podium. And then they had to hear some mocking remarks directed. - Can we go now? - Stay here! - Tell me proglyuchilo or my microphone on? (Record TV broadcast is a "plus plywood") - Stay here! - And I can sit here on this step? - Stay here! And not to speak! Leroy stood waiting gloomily at the center, including the latest soundtrack and otpev hurt went back to the dressing room. But her fans have decided to compensate for rudeness director, and applauded loudly after her. Masskva did not even smile, and walked quickly from the shooting. Vadim Ponomarev, Photo - Svetlana Maltsev,

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