Sunday, December 30, 2012

On 12 Anniversary of the Moscow fans presents "pilot" telescope

17th January St. Petersburg group "pilot" noisily celebrated his 12 years in the Moscow club "1Rock". Happy and excited real guests at the entrance to the club mandarins gifts Santa Claus, and in the audience with songs karaoke heroes entertain occasion. Opening for "pilots" were "FPG" and "slot" not preminuvshie congratulate friends on his birthday. When the scene was empty, and all held their breath, waiting for a miracle, began video screens where Ilya devil, like a true leader was broadcast, along with the audience for a group of memorable places and events. After a short film team "pilot" in the yellow T-shirts with the unforgettable Lyuska was-still longing gaze of the public. Speech opened "heaven." The hall was floating paper airplane, Glee fans knew no bounds. After welcoming the "transit" of all boys and girls, heart thanked them "for us all these 12 years," the perpetrators of the incident played a "lace", "Nerodinu" and "Rock". And by the music of the concert more spectacular. Speech to the "Heaven" Open - Brothers! - Ilya turned to the audience - many years you have helped us in many ways. Including the fact that we wear now. At some point you draw a design t-shirts for yourself. Now, our friend to show his skills, and then draw a new design t-shirts. On stage, darkness reigns, and "Free Bird" by Birthday buddy team Dmitri turned the glowing balls. When the time came for the competition, which - "two awesome dude" Alex Alfeyev (guitarist of the first composition of the "pilot") and Stas Sytnik "who always helped his ideas mentally and physically," three out of the crowd, "ready to to jump the stage and with a brush. " Two minutes daredevil created on easels his vision of a new logo for the group of "pilot". The winning girl Nastya very abstract representation of universal love to Petrograd aeronaut. The original drawings from the "Explorer" - Her award was "personally Ilya image in the box painted by hand." Less fortunate members with variations on Lyuska got ample opportunity naobnimatsya Idol. - The devil is not as bad as he is painted! - Bantered leads. Two minutes daredevil created on easels his vision of a new logo for the group of "pilot". Enter after the competition on the stage of the Moscow representation of all students and fans of the "pilot" and after Sky Map, the fans from St. Petersburg to birthday, handed the dashboard and seek with the desire of the telescope to the real stars in it. The hero of the gift loved incredibly, turned the device into the hands of each, and then continued the concert. Died in a train, "pack", "Walking along the tracks" and "Prison". At half-time Elijah turned to the male part of the audience: - Well, guys! As the holidays have passed? It's a shame that the next morning was that? Golovushka bo-bo? Unpretentious "men" fairly shouted in reply, that they drank, and were not ashamed. Dedicated after hearing a report on the New Year's festivities, light all present "Blues Chih-Puff" by which we are leading again by. To the next competition "song chorus" participate already found five brave. Boys and girls had the verse, "Siberia", sang Ilya devil to fulfill itself. Choir managed to fame, the duo won the great young man and a fragile young lady. The award is a blue pajamas was shared this price immediately as brothers. Issued "strongmen" in the next three contest to speed tearing chest vest by the organizers. Birthday Gifts expect these competitions again. Fan boys gave a sparkling cup to Lyuska and a big cake with candles. Whereupon the spectacular part of the concert was over, and the musical - continued. "Gypsy" fell to dance Ilya devil, "Rock and Roll" was traditionally used dedicated "elders - Honored Artist of the Russian rock scene," and after the "Alternative New Year," said the chief pilot of the country: - Not being able , to do it in a timely manner, Congratulations to all the recent holiday! We wish that the new year a good, to be happy every morning and make sure you are always in a good mood, then it will turn out to be everything! After vigorous composition "dead Claus" from the scene were announcements were lost passport, a somebody, and that the group "pilot" handed a button from the "main" trunk -. And it does not work - Happy proclaimed devil -. Top pointed out - canceled the end of the world Kayfuem on New atmosphere of enthusiasm, "Heaven," "Dragon," "The Big Blues from St. Petersburg", "Autumn" sweet and nice "Mama." - Thank you, dear that you come today - Ilya smiled -. Thank you, dear, that you come today - Ilya smiled Meanwhile, to strangle not at the outlet and in the locker room of the queue out of the hall in advance "flowed" to attract people and. go back. Scale of the event unwary fans dare not leave the room at any time, clearly outlined the guardian of order: - Would you like to go to the closet, and then wear clothes one week! Now people "popret" but there are two and a half thousand! Team conducted an encore thing, "Peter", and then tired, but happy he left the stage and the hall resounded tune "Sleeping toy." Julia Gruzdev, Photo - Natalia Zakharova,

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