Thursday, August 1, 2013

Julia Kovalchuk as "treats"

Julia Kovalchuk celebrate New Year with your loved ones. On the set of "Christmas Song of the Year" Julia Kovalchuk and Anton Azarov along with the studio's "death", sang the famous "Song of ducklings." - Julia, what's new in your work? - We have just recorded a clip for a new song. I first tried his hand at film. So far the film has the working title "A treat." I played it a subsidiary of the museum workers. My character - a humble, in fact, a girl from an old-fashioned family, but it tends to glamorous young. Woman plagued with internal contradictions. Her lover, played by Daniel Spivakovsky - bankers. Image of bandits in this volume, Mikhail Efremov. 28th April next year will premiere comes to theaters. Julia Kovalchuk and Anton Azarov along with the studio's "death", sang the famous "Song of ducklings" - Julia, in the hall of the children in the audience, many of them have no families, orphans under guardianship. How they met you on stage? - It really is open to the public is, the kids have their own internal sense of individual perception and songs. They do not care, a popular artist or not, and how many songs he performed. I love to speak in children and adolescents, especially in such major venues as the Ice Palace "Vityaz" in Podolsk. I stood there on the ice, skating with Roman Kostomarov and other skaters. And anyway, I live in a house near the Kaluga road. - Julia, you decided where you will see in the new year? - It is not known yet. I have until the last moment, usually everything is in limbo. But probably the new year filled at home with their loved ones and friends. My parents live in the Volga, so together with the New Year, unfortunately not in a position to meet. - What do you want all your fans for the new year? - I wish you all a good mood, and less anger in my heart. Each of us sometimes think that everything is bad. Or no money, or a bad relationship in the family, but in fact, we just can not look at ourselves, and if we do that, we will understand that we are very lucky people. Olga ERMAK, photo - website

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