Thursday, December 20, 2012

"Disco Crash" fat stocked in Ukraine

Returned gay boys in the band "Disco Crash" recently from the Ukraine, where played in the TV movie "The Cossacks". "Avariytsam" landed the role of border guards are on the border between Russia and Ukraine. - The film is set at the turn of the 17th to 18 Century - told Life Showbiz members of the crew. - The wig, the white pants, green uniforms and indispensable attribute of the time: - The boys on the property guarded border in the forest, they were dressed in uniforms of the time. Ryzhov and Serov also got a thick, bushy mustache and carbon Timofeeva makeup artists decided to leave in kind - no facial hair. Three "inches" or props in the form of weapons, documents folder and watchdog Shepherd. After the shooting, which took place not far from Kiev, had guys call in the Ukrainian capital and go in search of gifts for the Bessarabian market, where it was among other gifts, each of which acquired a piece of bacon. Arrival in Moscow airport ambulance checked musicians remote device determines fever. The procedure is performed directly on the plane, and all who fell under suspicion went to a thorough inspection. - After landing Alexei Serov began to sneeze hard - say the film crew members. - As it turns out, the reason being was allergic to the adhesive that is inserted on a mustache. However, the suspicion of the medical workers even as Alex. From thorough health check store on the tarmac guy, is that necessarily a sign of the virus - the temperature - it was not.

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