Thursday, December 20, 2012

"Disco Crash" of flu gorilka saved

Soloists "Disco Crash" Ukrainian again from filming New Year's Eve movie tentatively titled "The Cossacks". "Avariytsam" landed the role of border guards XVIII century. Three "inches" or props in the form of weapons and protection Shepherd. Mindful of the complex epidemiological situation in Ukraine, Serov offered to give them more and gauze masks, "and then goes through the cordon of many people and the promotion of the prevention of infection with swine flu and sounds from every angle." After the shooting, which took place not far from Kiev, people had to go to the capital and go to the Bessarabian Market. Serov, Ryzhov and bought a Timofeev on "Kiev" cake, a bottle of vodka and a piece of contraband, as it turned out, fat. When buying a last souvenir saleswoman gave Ryzhov real survey on the health of the animal. Alex found not sneeze a pig, was not sure he had the temperature. Dealer reassured "avariytsa" and assured that the pig loved as his own, and even planted. "Disco Crash" - On arrival in Moscow checked all passengers remote device - along with "yellow paper" Alexei Ryzhov. - The process is in a plane with all that has come under suspicion, went on a thorough search. But Lech Serov began to sneeze intensive. The cause was allergic to the glue to fix a mustache. But the suspicion of doctors he still called. For this reason, delayed the landing of passengers. Of control saved him is that necessarily a sign of the virus - the temperature - it was not. The successful completion of the journey we took gorilka found. And undergo treatment for swine flu.

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