Saturday, December 22, 2012

Disco Crash almost broke at the Niagara Falls

Guys in disco crash recently returned from Canada, where they have been on one of the greatest creations of nature - Niagara Falls. As recognized "avariytsy", they could not miss the chance. After completing all his work in Toronto, immediately went to Niagara. And because the guys were in Canada for two days, they had to get up at 7 clock in time for his return flight. First came to Toronto. Passed by the Hard Rock Cafe on the main street and went to the place where live music was everywhere from the land of here and played there, suddenly broke wells. It was pretty hot, and Alexey Serov was just cool! "Be careful what you wish for", this rule is triggered immediately. They decided to take a picture of the fountain, and when asked Ryzhov, everything was normal. As soon as they changed places with Serov and blew a gust of wind, and change the trajectory of a water jet over Lech washed from head to toe! Poobsohnuv silent, restless Serov took the guys in the gift shop, where he bought a knit prodded with a penguin and long friends on such acquisitions. However, Niagara Falls, waiting for her, was almost the same time. Passed by the Hard Rock Cafe on the main street ... Arrive in Niagara Falls, the city that stands on the waterfall, the guys know that on the other side of the city is of the same name. Niagara Falls gave the name of the city, standing on both sides of the river from the Canadian and U.S. sides. Both cities are called Niagara Falls, which means in English "Niagara Falls." However, as already mentioned with pride the locals, Canadian Niagara Falls - a real Las Vegas than in the U.S.! The guys decided to see it, and went out to wander the city. He reminded them of the street in front of the Universal park to do. All around flashing, burning, sold a lot of souvenirs and a variety of foods. Everywhere were an incredible number of sites and landscapes for a very funny pictures for memory. In one of them, in the form of fat, which is already listed in the Guinness Book of Records and photographed Nicholas - the slim band member. A walk through the city, they decided to go to the waterfall itself. Most of them are affected by the fact that despite the proximity, audible in the city of Falls almost no noise. And the guys went to one of the lookout points! The sight was truly spectacular. Tons of water rushed down a wild roar. His whole face was shrouded in mist, tiny droplets of water, rising from the water and the walls of all this scurrying back and forth from a boat with tourists who want a closer look at the beauty of the falls. Start 1 2 End Continued

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