Friday, December 21, 2012

"Aria" encourages children to donate blood

24th December donate his fans calls the group "Aria". Charity donor project "We - the same blood", founded the "Give Life" and the initiative group "donor for Children" sets. It's time to part Ilya devil and Alexander "Chacha" Ivanov take. Autumn at the Moscow station of blood transfusion is "spilled" blood of Russian rockers, punks, and now it was my turn metalworkers. 24th December calls donate his fans the group "Aria" in the new year to make gifts - trinkets, sweets, gifts, candles. But rock fans will be able to give much more - hope to recover the young patients oncohematological Branch of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital. These children and everyday life, and the holidays are in the stations of Prohibitions and Restrictions: Instead of Christmas delicacies - a strict diet, instead of wonder - painful procedures and exhausting chemotherapy. Together with drugs to kill cancer cells and healthy blood cells, to fight the disease and die from the treatment, these children need donor blood. Fans of "Aria" can really help these children: it is enough to come to the station with a passport and a blood donor. Fans of "Aria" can really help these children: it is enough to come to the station with a passport and a blood donor. Well, according to the tradition of waiting for tea with your favorite musicians, autograph sessions and informal discussions on any topic. At this time, waiting for a donor-donor New Year. Not every time it an occasion to celebrate the New Year with a group of "Aria" and even in such an unusual place such as blood transfusion. Donors may receive the gifts from the club "Point". To support the decision for donor movement and encourage people to donate blood regularly, the club offers free tickets to their concerts brightest. Those who are willing to take part in the campaign to donate blood and to celebrate the coming New Year with a group of "Aria" are must use the email address to send ( just be sure to check the list of contraindications. http://www.donors ru / page.php id = 16)?.

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