Saturday, December 22, 2012

Soloist "Disco Crash" is to record a duet with the monkeys

Tired of heavy concert routine, a member of the "Disco Crash" Nikolay Timofeev went to relax on the island of Phuket. The first part of the stay was devoted to passive recreation: Nicholas rest, eat enjoy the sun, sea and seafood. But for a long inactivity is not inherently Timofeev, and he decided to explore the city. Nikolay Timofeev decided to get Betty. Photos of Sabina dadasheva. As it turned out, gushing out of the hotel interesting and varied life: here and there, local merchants offer tourists an exotic fruit, drinks, souvenirs, played by street musicians. He stopped to listen to the singing of the Thai people, and then it seemed - Bettilda. At first it looked like an ordinary chimpanzee, who trains many of her relatives, quite quickly to play the drums, helping to attract viewers to his master. And if the audience already quite impressive, chimps came to the fore, bowed and start ... Singing. "She really sang, - says" MK "Nicholas - not just cried and made the sound, like an animal, and it is sung Of course she did not say the words, but such things musical moo, overtone singing, it was like one. Song Without Words. "Nicholas was the original singing chimpanzees, we immediately decided to get Betty impressed. Nicholas told her owner that he's Artist of Russia. The owner was very happy monkey acquaintances and even offered the artists are trying to sing a duet with her. As the singer realized he was so surprised and captured the monkeys to chant, that he began to think about creating a new duet of "Disco Crash", this time in a number of alternative genres. In parting, was photographed with cabbage and Betty took her crown number shown on a video on arrival rest of the group.

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