Monday, December 24, 2012

The lies: no in Estonia "Disco Crash" prohibited

Russian tabloid wrongly accused the Estonian government is that it is forbidden to be on local TV new clip shows popular in Russia and Estonia "Disco Crash". Which is the fifth in the Russian newspaper "Your Day" May news that the Estonian government to show the wording prohibited "for inciting racial hatred" in Estonia published a new video collective "Disco Crash" called "evil." Following the publication of the premiere video series in Tallinn was planned for the day of victory. According to the official website, soloist Alexei Serov co-directed clip, which was shot in Estonia was, all three members are the producers of the clip. "We want to remind you and anyone because maybe for the first time to say that our people defeated in World War II that should be the winner, always and everywhere." - Handed musicians. After the marketing of the first Baltic Music Channel Victoria Vorobyova from headquarters in Riga, no evidence of a clip for "evil" they are not of the Estonian authorities. "We PBMK a license in all three Baltic countries broadcast, but we need to find out separately, if your Country" - she gave. Premiere commercials with Russian stars PBMK shows usually two weeks after her first appearance in Russia. The news surprised the experience Vorobyev, in practice, there are cases of prohibition clips aired, but not with the same wording. Earlier this year, for example, the federal government has Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation banned commercials all over the place "Pepsi" with the "Beasts", explaining that the video sequence induces the commission of crimes of violence and cruelty. Nicholas Smoryga, program director of the channel MUZ-TV, the hearing including Estonia, the first time I that is sent after the tabloid "Your Day", which reprinted many Russian music sites, the clip show banned in Estonia. "This news is unexpected, because the Estonian culture not broadcast type with the fact that grants or denies music videos deal. In a statement, the government banned the display of the video, the same truth, but talking about mass layoffs of the Russian-speaking policemen , "- commented the spokesman of the Ministry of Culture of Estonia Catherine Arvisto. She stressed that the channels sama plan their program. And if some of them independently decided not to show it, comment on it not in the ministry. Gostsenzura no head of government communications office confirmed Inga Jagomäe that state censorship vEstonii exists. In black and white video features footage of a military chronicle, video Bronze Soldier on Tõnismägi Eternal Flame, Yuri Gagarin, the Olympic bear and other symbols of the Soviet era. In recent years, "Disco Crash" takes your clips, especially in Estonia. recalled that in the Russian mass media also took a lie about the fact that the "Bronze Soldier" to transfer a military cemetery cut. Press Service of the Government of Estonia has extended on behalf of the Ministry of Defense statement reaffirms the fact that the figure of the Bronze Soldier of disassembly and transportation to Tõnismägi at the military cemetery was not divided into parts, and do not suffer from other measures. The statement said the press service, technology of the sculpture in 1947, it was not possible to produce such large numbers in one piece. Bronze sculpture spilled on the plaster model Enn Roos, made a few - to 10 - details. These parts were held together with dowels, and causes the connection joints filled. After transport in bronze sculpture Tynismyae was deleted, and the sculpture with a weight of 1.6-1.8 tons of clamp installed new plugs. "Disco Crash" video, the clip does not prohibit "evil" of "Disco Crash"

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