Thursday, December 20, 2012

Vladimir Holstinin ("Aria"): If you want to make pleasure for us to do!

Guitarist "Aria" Vladimir Holstinin approved "show business news" that never ceases, youth, inspire their music before the new year, took Vladimir Holstinin in campaign donations. "We - the same blood" and together with their fans donate blood for children with leukemia -. Some journalists are opposed to this action, saying that the blood - this is a "market basket", and the music -. another "shopping cart", and should not be confused What do you think ? - It's in our blood now a consumer basket When people get on the operating table, they are not up to the baskets, true, and if we can help somehow, somehow convince people, blood, why not? Donate -.. Institute for donation in our country now developed very bad people are not to donate blood rock music usually struggles with the system, but what if the system, on the contrary, promotes a noble idea, but the awareness of the people, surrounded by myths and doubts, this prevents Is there a way to break the spirit -.?.? not break rock the system as it can be broken, this is the system that we always easily and naturally broke rock music . And over the mind ... When we talk specifically about the donation, then the problem is that not enough information. For example, we did not know whether the patient's blood for free, that people give for free. If people only knew that particular hospital, a specific department or individual patient needs blood, he would prefer to rent because we are now, in fact, we have side the blood anywhere. In general, we lack patriotism, you must agree that the donation is to save the nation, but tacitly us chocolate and twice from. - You have recently occurred cancellation. How often have problems with the organizers? - Frequently occurs, but usually they can be solved. That is, the organizers call us for two hours and say they can only pay half of the fee, and we are confronted with the question: to shoot a concert, or spending it on such terms and in general we find a compromise, because we understand that people bought tickets to put all their work, take the time. Organizers still blame everything on the group, they will say that they do not come bastards. And believe the public, please send us hate mail. According to them, we are promoting two months, a concert, and then went and did not come. - In general, many unscrupulous promoters? - It is now less, but the dashing 90th there were many: They disappeared with the money and disappeared during the concerts. Now there are people who have the authority and the historical experience. These people are not the first on the market, they have a good reputation. - Continuing the theme concerts. If I read every day riders younger groups, it is sometimes surprising how inadequate their demands. How do you feel about those groups that are five to seven years, but it requires an incredible amount of alcohol, expensive cars, separate dressing room at festivals and so on? - Well, in a separate dressing room, I do not see anything strange. You do not want in the house, such as living in a train station, they share with anyone. In the changing rooms are personal items, tools, and in fact, sometimes people just want to relax, close to nobody drank vodka, do not go over your ears, smoked drugs. As for the rest, it is the youth can be attributed, ordered the desire to assert themselves at the expense of the other, and some pasta nautical they got off the ground. Sing and play on stage. I once read about a famous Hollywood actor everything. Happy when he brought food from McDonald's, if there are no other restaurants This is a real actor, I think. He does not need self-affirmation through the humiliation of others. - Perhaps the fact that there are drivers it the fault of the organizers, who go to all the conditions are met? - What can they do? You have to hit the driver. I understand if vegetarians call for a special meal, but there are really crazy requests. The group "Aria" tab is the simplest, consisting of the required minimum. - You will soon anniversary - 25 years. Thought written in honor of all honors? - We are of course not, but I have heard that this idea is to write in the air and already someone songs. - Who would today's young musicians to sing the songs of the "Aria"? It is difficult, for example, to this. "The King and the Clown" as - Why not? It would be strange if someone came to us from the stage, and "The King and the Clown" still close to us in spirit. - You said that would play in the anniversary concert of the "Luzhniki", there you will have noted the anniversary of the "Hero of the asphalt." What do you love this site? Here the audience is not really like the opposite: they say it's cold and not to sell beer. - Which is better? I have in "Luzhniki" a spectator was, and I really liked it. I ride, and I do not care, it's a beer or not. I do not go for a beer at the concerts. - You said that you are hard to surprise her beau, after it became 25 years. And if you do it, because the "Aria" want - it's still a band that a lot of love for tradition? - Yes, the traditions that we do not have enough, but I want something new. Every time we are faced with the same problem. People ask, be something new on the album, and when we will say to us, then they are happy, and then added: "But you do not need to change the style." That is, they want to make something new and it was, but nothing has changed, and if the album is not his usual rhythmic patterns, one long and one lyrical song, they can, and it did not last. As in the same place all the time to find something new to be? I can compare with my when excavated, it contains many minerals, but the deeper it is, the harder it is to find something in it, because everything is already found. - Fans that will surprise you? - Surprised and very strong. We do nothing to please the young and do not understand why people come to us seventeen. When we started, we were close to his audience by age and interested in the same problems, but now we do not have the language that is spoken by young people do not read the books they read. But they come to our shows, they believe in us, and it is a great and a very pleasant surprise. We appreciate it, because the public are very categorically at this age and will not tolerate hypocrisy and dissimulation. When we do something for tactical reasons, to start it off again immediately. - You do not have to hide the fact that the "Aria" Now there is a problem with the lyrics. Does that mean that you have said at this point, all you want to say? - Of course. When you start your career, then you think, so I write a song about love, about drugs, about suicide. And if you write a hundred songs, you start in a different way to argue, "Well, we sang about the war five times about love - eight." You start digging and think about the love that we have not sang what kind of war is not yet told. Even if you come up with a new angle, but many will say that it already was. - But in the last texts "Aria" something timeless about the time that can not be determined. - Not, as it always was. - Why are you not interested in singing about what is here and now, what is under our feet? - Because it be in six months, and we want our technology interesting and understandable, and in ten years. - Finally, you have a single instrumental. Previously you do not need. And do not want to write the music for the film, for example? - No, because from the street not in the movies, it should study it seriously. I thought about it and we had a proposal, but it is a very different creation. Instrumental music, we have never really played. This is a completely random product: I had the idea to record some instrumental pieces for a solo album, here and there, wandering the bonus single composition. - This year has been difficult for the Russian rock music, a group broke up, others went into a sabbatical. For 25 years, the group "Aria" sabbatical has not even walk, and was a time when I wanted to quit? - In a forced sabbatical, as the country is an economic crisis, but the crisis was also a genre. First there was the boundless interest in our music, and then the music ceased to be mysterious and early 90's there was a natural decline in interest rates, which is superimposed exactly on the crisis. We then gave a concert in two months. - The group has an expiration date? - No, I think. When I was young, I thought that "Rolling Stones" will soon leave the stage and will not play all my life long, but here I will soon be time to retire, and they still play. - Do you think a sabbatical - it really is a way out of the crisis or is it the beginning of the end? - All different. There are people that compose a lot of music, and they need to rest, but a group of "Aria" loves to act, what to write songs. We understand that is impossible without the new songs, but for us it is not the most important thing. - About the upcoming album. She said that is the single progenitor of the new album, but some concept of the new album has already been formed? Music written by all, but the lyrics seem to be just getting started -. - Continue working with Margarita Pushkina? - Not only that, we will have three or four authors. And to make a concept album, it is necessary that all the lyrics were written by one person, and composers should be no more than two. - And the last question: Do they believe in hard metal miracle baby? - Well, you've found someone to ask ... I do not believe in God. Generally I - romantic, without miracles, no holiday would be boring to live. We must always believe in the best. Julia Shershakova, Showbiz News

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