Representatives of world famous brands sleep Dima Bilan great deals every day. But is popular singer, very few of them. The other day artist signed a contract for one year worth $ 1 million. Now Dima will be the official face of one of the trendy jeans brands. Accounted convince the cooperation was much more difficult than creating new collections. Representatives of the brand in a few months broke phones Dima and his producer Yana Rudkovskaya, but the star duo initially disagree with suggestions. The cause is not a "star fever" and supersaturated creative graphic designers, constant touring and recording. Nevertheless denim magnates were adamant in their desire to see not yet succeeded in the face of the brand accounting and months. To demonstrate jeans popular singer throughout the year will be "dropped into the pocket" for almost 3000 dollars a day. The company plans - photo session taking place in America. - We're not ready to comment on the situation - said: "TD" John Rudkovskaya - but the mere fact that we are signing contracts for such amounts, suggesting that we reached a certain level. Only, but to be a hard condition Bilan, was his right, a person of a famous brand that it will be a long time. Remember, this is not the first advertising experience "heroes" Euro Vision. "In the past, Dima has produced the face of well-funded company, soft drinks, with the agreed accounting for 25 thousand dollars. Singer Rose - Rose fees and fashion themes interested singers more soda.
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