Friday, May 24, 2013

Dima Bilan will marry her lover in Germany

Dima Bilan (25 years) and his longtime mistress Rovens Pritula Riga (27) married in early February, in a city in Germany. At Christmas Bilan came to Riga, and they went to Amsterdam. Since then adorns the ring finger of the right hand Rovensa the ring he wore before. Rovens Pritula beloved Dima Rovens already taken leave from work at the time, bought a ticket and told friends that he fly to Germany "to rest for all." Dima and offers concerts in Germany at the beginning of February. It should be noted that last year Pritula and Russian stars are often seen together in Jurmala. And in the words of a good friend and he Rovensa Dima often visit each other. The press, however, due to the singer Dima Bilan bisexual status. Bilans Pritula and hide their relationship. The question whether he is a very good friend Bilan said Rovens Pritula mediation email: "I have yet to announce anything in the world!" Rovens Pritula works in the restaurant and works part-time model.

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