Sunday, June 2, 2013

Albina presents the first album with Kathy Gordon

Excellently staged choreography - Corporate bland young singer Albina. During the presentation of the "Gorbushkin court" not only showed the ability to dance. - Thank you for taking the time to come to a very important event, a presentation of my first album, "One Life" - Albina happily smiling to the audience. - I really want it to be like you. - I really want him to like you very similar to the scandalous Albina teleradioveduschuyu Kate Gordon - the same golden locks and right noble qualities. When Kate Gordon sang, but then it would have looked exactly like Albina. Sports Ladnaya figure allows the young singer to perform highly complex acrobatic movements - somersaults, flips, twine. Albina throws all his dancers to the side, and a look at the lucky winner puts his foot on the chest down "enemies": - I write all the songs himself. And the music and lyrics. - I write all the songs himself on vocal abilities Albina judge, perhaps premature. The entire presentation was a positive support track. But the voice that can be heard on the album - a beautiful, vibrant, emotional. Albin sings, of course not break records with a full understanding of what the poet. This is a rare quality these days. In their texts, and threw an emotional teenager himself that neither the "problem" children. "You tell me what to do, they tell me to live as a ... Enough! .." - Sings Albina. Simply put Albin talks about the process of growing, small and great sadness of a typical teenager. Love songs Albina hero lurks everywhere, or would have, or he wants to truly love was the same at the next corner. Some songs remind girlish diary where mundane everyday wisdom discharged in an imperative way: "You must go, you want to ..." Replaces the usual Euro-Pop R'n'B smoothed, and moves in a beautiful pop ballad. There was a club tracks, ready to fly away into the hands of DJs and traditional pop songs. - The song "Pain" is broadcast on radio stations. On the great concerts I sing it under the piano. Ballad "Pain" really "hits" of the current program of Albina and clearly seems to be a successful radio show fate. It stands to reason, not just teenagers. From the hall a few years slowly came 40-50 and gradually began to circle around the scene in waltz movements. After this unexpected show was not only a Albina ... Home 1 2 3 4 Final continuation applauded

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