Saturday, June 1, 2013

Nikita Malinin secretly married

- I will not marry, but for a long time I meet a girl, her name is Natasha. We have an open relationship, not the wedding we think - recently officially announced 26-year-old winner of one of the "Idol" Nikita Malinin. But, as is well known, "yellow newspapers" Nikita was recently issued marriage yet. True to show the marriage is not, in view of the event in the narrow circle of the family in on classified environment. At the wedding of Nikita and Natasha's parents were just newly married and close friends. Nikita Malinin Nikita avoids privacy issues getting away with platitudes. But all saw fans waiting for him at the door, greeted the audience on the road, threw gifts. Even the bra once planted on the scene. Four years ago at a concert in Perm, one of the fans asked for an idol, to deprive her virginity. The entire hall is heard. Nikita could not refuse, but the artist had to leave - so the girls do not dream fulfilled. Nikita novels often credited with the young stars of show business. For example, it predicted the groom Julia Nachalova. They met when they traveled together on the road, but eventually even to a rendezvous never took place. With the current fiancée Natasha artists met when he was in ninth grade, and she - in the eleventh. Suddenly love. Also, frequent separations were not able to destroy this feeling. When we go on tour, the artist often liked, but they have, in the words of Nikita, had until now an open relationship. For a while Nikita and Natasha met regularly, and the last time to live together, even though the wedding and not in a hurry. They say that Natasha is pregnant and so the parents decided to register their relationship.

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