Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sergey fun with a rubber woman

Correspondents caught idol girl Sergey Lazarev in the metropolitan area sex shop, where he is confused, choosing rubber dolls. The singer appeared on the verge of an intimate shop under cover of night. This was done intentionally interfere with fewer buyers. To the delight of Lazarev, sex shop was empty at that time of day, and he could quietly for fear of oblique views, learn the right product. Of all the rich assortment of Sergei interested inflatable women and whips. Saleswoman, hearing request Famous Artist threw him surprised looks. Lazarev, but hastened to reassure the girl that he sex life everything is in order and that the rubber doll he needs for his new concert TV show. Of all the rich assortment of Sergei interested inflatable women and whips. Photo "TD". Employees of the store were happy every wish she looked into the stars and a second opened the box in front of him to meet with a rubber woman. - Can I naduyu it yourself? - Timid asked Sergei. Who would dare to deny the famous singer? Lazarus takes lead and sent Doll form. After a few minutes it was clear that it is a little, and you need three. But like many in the store was not, and had to look after the singer has not only a sex shop. - I already have the names of the dolls - said: "TD" Sergei said. - I called Naomi, Paris and Britney ... Oh, these dolls do not give anyone the rest. And how hard it was to get them ... I had to drive as a sex shop. It turns out that the correct amount is in some places. Of course, every new business I ran across goggles sellers who went into a stupor from my question: "How many have you I take it all?." It was fun and funny! But seriously, every show will participate in 3 dolls, after the show, they do not "survive", so I'll change it. Oh, and the final performance will be any, I think it is so much. The preparation of the new show Sergei went very creative. Besides almost costume leather and latex, a talented singer will entertain audiences with erotic dancing dolls.

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