Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sergey Lazarev "thoughts about sex comes out of my head"

Popular singer said that now at the top of sexuality. One of his favorite hobbies is - flirting and most memorable, he admits, was with Ksenia Sobchak in Jurmala in the "New Wave". - It was great - says Lazarev "Life" aspect of his relationship with the popular TV presenter - we started off well. Ksenia controversial figure, and the attitude of the people is ambiguous. I managed to open it in a new way, it is unusual, funny and sociable. I confess, I have now Bezbashenny period. This is reflected not only in the art personally, but also for me. I feel that growing up, I even have the sexual energy is changing. I had to act in a different way, to speak, to build relationships with people. I feel that growing up, I even have the sexual energy is changing - What happened to your energy? - Now all the time spent on the preparation for the Tour television show, so it's time to privacy does not exist. In this situation, the thought of sex just do not go out of my head. I always think about it ... And then there are all the time on TV sex show. - She looks pornokanaly? - No, of course, would not be correct to say that when he came home and he went to the hotel room, I immediately rush to the TV and turn on the porn. But to deny that I am interested, I will not. Yes, I see. And what is amazing: I, the modern man, I am no stranger to such things. And then feel free? I know people who'd never seen porn. Another thing - the views that have not turned into a mania or all of them would only that have ended. People must not just porn and inflatable dolls, but the real draw. By the way, the rubber dolls and other sex toys Lazarev know first hand. Not long ago, he was a lot of capital sex shops and bought almost everything that was in the range. Artist says he did it just to his new show. - The topic of sex and eroticism can not be deceived, because it everywhere, even on the screen during the day. So I decided to use my concerts ¬ TV show dolls, whips and erotic dancing. Of course, it is quite shocking, but this will help you to be fun and prostebat topic dominance sex on television. Nothing illegal in the show are not all in line. - And what is this box? - I will not speculate on the motive to me, and the show will not be naked body. - What a doll? - What a doll? You have a funny story. To buy them in the right amount, I went almost all the sex shops in Moscow. Emptied ... - But the worst that I had back in business is because you sat the dolls (we do not like), was found in the second hole Sergei, you're just talking to a sex offender ... - I have always had a higher sex. They say it is typical of creative people. Of course, many people write about sex, joke, but very few people are willing to talk about it yet, the more stars. I think that is dominant in different moments of each sex over the other. My sexual appetite only grows with the years. Adrenaline, naturally able to replace sex, for example, was the circus horses and a big explosion of emotions. But in the absence of adrenaline and sex, I fall into melancholy. - Pull all the girls or specific to a few? - I'm not impressed with the silicone-girl, but now it is fashionable and affordable. Some are natural to do it. But these girls are trying to not catch on themselves and their "tuning": Silicone lips or breasts. This is ridiculous: sexuality comes from self-confidence, and silicone can not stay to convey confidence in the girl. It makes more sense to yourself and your body, what it is to love. Of love and acceptance of self and sexuality is true, what makes me so angry. I do not understand when people try to change the appearance. In my opinion, it is only God's wrath! Incidentally rubber dolls on my new show, mocking the "puppet" of people. Girls inflated chest, sitting in someone else expensive car, fill your days and beauty treatments await a brilliant match - these girls around me a lot. They need my celebrity status to give luster to their commercial packaging. I am well aware. - Because you're talking about the frivolity started, tell me what you think about casual relationships and intrigue? - The older I get, the more convinced that it is impossible to live without. I call it love games. - Sam, you have to play often? - It happens. But I do not want anyone hurt. Just adventure often myself! - On the road? - On the road, just barely manages to flirt. Of course, for me to drive a lot of fans, but I do not want to be imprisoned for corruption of minors. The realization that they are willing to have an intimate relationship, I hear them, "first to grow up!" Use fans to meet their needs and to cause them psychological trauma - is extremely stupid. You know, 60 percent of these girls do not see myself as an artist, not as a singer but primarily a sexual object. Touch my press - to them it is (ooo!) the whole event! After a concert, according to organizers, the two girls even describe seat with excitement. And as she wept! - What are you, a normal girl does not zavedesh? - I'm not looking for a serious relationship at the moment. Let's just say ... This is a result of past experiences. If you love someone, you wait and you are disappointing, is a violation of the heart and heals very long. Suspicious. I do not want and can not now be open to everyone and promise something. I just want to get the joy of life, preferably without any problems. - What do you want? - I do not want to play with me, but I played. I think creative people need to be free, not hands and feet tied up personal relationships. Go to a psychological dependence man, you immediately lose the ability to think and make decisions, you appear responsible. - You are your own as you are? - My body - my fetish. There are so many sexual fetishes, movies, TV shows, shopping and for me the best fetish - my body. For some, the symptoms of narcissism - for me the only reason for the excitement. I want you. - I like to be a sex symbol? - What list, believe me, it is incredibly good. It makes a difference if you are just a sex symbol and the people you judge by appearance, but I'm a singer, actor, plus the whole sex symbol - in the order, it's flattering. Also, I'm not trying to look like the public. I like to create good music, good songs, interesting and unusual projects. Particularly pleased that I responded not just young girls, but the girls, ages 30 and older. For example, the other day I had a chance meeting on the eve of the fashionable restaurants. The woman was expensively dressed, with her solid people. She ran to me, and she started this hysterical. Her hands trembled as she asked for my autograph, and her husband with undisguised smile she watched from the side. I did not expect such a cry, such a violent reaction. - And how do you know otneseshsya if any girl you want to have a baby? - I am looking for! I am 24 years old, and I understand that he is ready to be a father to be. I want a son and successor of the genus name. If this happens by accident, and I do not have serious feelings for a girl, I would not give the child: I will help me every way possible.

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