Friday, December 21, 2012

"Disco Crash" has removed a clip on the journals of "Metallica"

"Disco Crash" is a new video for the new song "Planet of Love" video can also claim to cosmopolitan. It was like shooting in two countries - USA and Malaysia, the director - longtime creative partner groups, Estonian Hindrek Maasik took musical production in the United States and Russia, and the young actors involved in the video - a native of Brazil. The first place was to shoot the American National Park in Utah - Monument Valley. Picturesque stretches of the Colorado Plateau by the huge stone rocks and chunks of red, - The shooting took place on a high cliff with a flat plateau at the top, on which housed three soloists and piano team. Had been given, this is the plateau in the North American Indian reservations is so young for filming special permission from the chief of the tribe. All the time a film crew accompanied the silent Indian - Representatives of the tribe, the maintenance of order in the reserve was followed. This is the plateau in the North American Indian reservations shooting preparations began at sunrise is. The entire crew, including actor, was brought to the foot of the valley, the so-called tourist Piglet, where there is a hotel, a gas station, and in their cafe and shop. This is where the guys have all kinds of souvenirs and "mega-lemonade," bought, as they called it later. Energy drink bright blue, similar to antifreeze. After the administrator group drank a bottle of this "drink", he could not sleep for two days. Super effect for only $ 1.99. At the entrance to the cafe musicians met completely drunk Indian. So when booking a strict ban! He was very surprised when I learned that the musicians - from Russia. Smiling, he said, knew the city of Moscow, said he went there as a child. Or was pretty drunk, and went to the U.S. city of Moscow ... Send a wing on the mountain was like a military operation. As you know, Americans revere security. "We had to listen to five times, where and how to stand, where a helicopter will fly like a wings are attached by cable to the hovering helicopter, and what to do when a helicopter suddenly fall or let fall by the piano! - Tell avariytsy -. We even had a little disappointed, as the whole procedure coordinated lasted maybe 10 minutes and it would be cool to see the break down and fly the piano to mention the sound.! he spent in the landing. We even shot them sent to the camera. Just in case! Nothing happened unplanned, piano flew majestically on the hill. We make over for Olympic bears! "Behind the piano on the mountain Serow , Ryzhov, Timothy and crew landed. The footage was just shooting from the hip, on the heels of mountains, where there are three of the artist and a piano, and some - from a helicopter, then know that the audience an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the opening of the form. During the filming of the helicopter, to avoid income, members of the crew, at the risk of the mountains, hidden under the special fabric on the edge of a cliff. Of course we can not say that the musicians feel is safe on top of the mountain. Since no restrictive fences were not there, and the wind was quite strong at times raised. As a joke Serov and Timofeev had simplest Ryzhov, because he could not grasp the piano in the wind. Incidentally, it was in the same place one of the clips filmed the legendary group "Metallica". When the team left for the first time on the mountain, and there they even found the pins to mark after the filming of the video group "Metallica". The second part of the video was shot in Malaysia, where actors from Brazil, especially casting, presentation of the story of passionate love and one of the most complex and vivid scenes was the scene of the heroine tries to jump off the bridge into the river a huge downpour. It should be noted that avariytsy would always shoot their video in Malaysia, including artists from South America. To the heroine of the video was not unrequited love, and mutual, not sad, but happy, "If you want to stay," the young man has proven to be effective, Argentinean by birth. In the video for the song "Planet Love" was to "Latin American passion" presented in an argument heroes, so it was determined to invite the actor with real temperament. Disco Crash always treated my video is not as necessary in order. The video for the song, as well as the individual creative process Each video comes in the form of ideas, the camp is discussed. Alexey Ryzhov, Nikolay Timofeev and Alexey Serov hope their new song and music video is a great gift for all those that people still "love to play" believe and live for it "Planet of Love."

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