Friday, December 21, 2012

Soloist "Disco Crash" marries

Lead singer of "Disco Crash" Alexey Serov, a proposal to beautiful model Ekaterina. Popular singer decided to settle for an encore - he was already married and has a cute little children from his first marriage. Heart "avariytsa" tall blonde busy for almost a year. - This is my young man, and there is nothing more prokommentiruesh! - Said "TD" star fiancée. Alex himself - in the best traditions of Stirlitz - not circulate details of the new novel, much less a wedding, even among close friends. We only know that the couple lives in love in a housing in Moscow, and the ceremony will take place in six months. While Serov as a pool with his head plunged into a new relationship, artist friends. Still talking to his ex-wife Elena According to them, they can still do not forget, Alexis, he can not forget that insults regarding his love affairs.

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