Friday, May 24, 2013

Accounted adventure in America

Yesterday, as the singer flew from Chicago to Miami, he was arrested at the airport. African security official said the singer a few bottles of perfume, which he carried in a bag. Happy moments that replaces Dima experiences on tour in America, through the awkward moments onstage. Under state law, a liquid are packed separately (by the way, the rules are there are even stricter than in Europe), but accounting is not worth it. But meticulous customs pulled out all his attention and offered our singer to follow him. In a separate room of the Chicago airport employee asked Dima leave expensive cologne bottles and then promised to let him go. The singer was initially shocked, but then he explained that he was a Russian singer, that the law was not to break into his thoughts and politely asked him to return his belongings. We had no security doubt that stylishly dressed young man may be a popular Russian singer. He had helped to pack bottles and Dime wished me luck. Arrival in Miami, Dima has not experienced more stress, says "TD". In the taxi, he had an expensive phone Vertu, giving it a birthday Oksana Lavrentiev, who played in his music video for the song "Impossible." Afterthought in the hotel and discovered that no phone, singer terribly excited. His producer Yana Rudkovskaya just the experience of the community, a randomly chosen his cell. Imagine said her surprise when the taxi driver, and assured that in a few minutes the phone will bring to the hotel. Glad Bilan generously thanked honest Americans - he gave the man a hundred dollars.

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