Friday, May 24, 2013

Dima Bilan English mixed with Baskov

Dima Bilan was almost run over frenzied British fans. European popular Russian pop leader Dima Bilan him playing tricks during a concert in London's Trafalgar Square, the festival "Russian Winter". English fans, distraught fleeting contact with his idol, almost crushed Dima Bilan. Dima fans behaved so violent and powerful, to the guards that keep the crowd fought back. The same amount of attention was so stricken artist to hide from the rampaging fans below the stage and then pushed between props, go to the website. - Dima always gathers at his concerts sold out, but we have not seen the rush for a long time - the impressions accounting producer Yana Rudkovskaya shares. - Currently, Trafalgar Square was crazy. I believe that this concert was further evidence of European popularity Dimy.Uzhin way before, during a gala dinner in honor of the feast, Dima surprised everyone with its unusual prosboy.V end of the evening, when the guests began to be disperse, the singer broke suddenly and unexpectedly asked for the organizers of the evening: - ..? I can sing, since no one was planning a problem with his music - No, - said Bilan on stage and began to sing an opera aria in Italian - What are the Basque? - Asked again guests, many of whom had stopped by this time attention to her surprise when people stsenu.Kakovo the way for Dima Bilan.LyalyaPo was his habit has before and after the concert Bilan devoted his time to new znakomstvam.Chast first evening spent in front of the show with singer Evgeni Plushenko and Irina Slutskaya, wrote "TD". Sports so interested Dima that talks with famous athletes he almost missed the meeting with his former lover Lyalya. And because of this very experienced, because wanted to see him, and held the girl's mother, the warm feelings for ex-boyfriend docheri.Provedya few hours after a friendly dinner, Dima went to the after-party to celebrate the opening of the festival.

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