Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ivan had brought his wife to the hospital

Lead singer of "Ivanushki International" Andrei Grigoriev Appolonov second time ready to be a father. Today he brought Marina Bankin hospitalized urgently. Contractions began on 24 March in the late evening and at night Masha (as Andrew calls his wife) insisted that her husband brought her to the hospital where a couple has entered into an agreement to bear in advance. The first child, a son, Ivan appeared, she at the Center for Family Planning in the New Year's Eve celebration in 2003. Then in his joy singer before their official statements and night ahead of schedule "stolen" his wife and baby from the hospital, "chartered" for this coach, "first aid". That this time the throw irrepressible redhead, time will tell, but it is now a good girl, according to doctors, is very excited, but intends to present at birth, according to "MK". The doctors diagnosed Masha prenatal office and attached to a special high-precision equipment that not only monitors the behavior of the fetus, but also the frequency of contractions. Masha - women with experience, so that doctors have no problems with it. The patient will cope with birth itself. During contractions are weak, but later in the day that may change. And a few days ago attended a concert at the Marina SC "Olympic".

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