Sunday, April 21, 2013

Leps and Timati presented "Requiem for Love"

Leps and Timati presented a video clip for the song "Requiem for Love." Konstantin Khudyakov: "This - my first experience with a little cinematic form, with the clip I can say is ... 2 interesting artists on the background of all these Russian razvlekalovki a really good job this duo is very different from what we .. now have on stage I liked the idea of the lack of artists within Instead, Grishkovets and Djuzhev it that creates the emotional background of the video were "Timothy." The main objective of this study was that the strong feelings love by outstanding actors show any videos on emotions This built - art project that the Merited Artist of Russia Konstantin Khudyakov embodies ... " Eugene Grishkovets wrote in his blog: .... "I'm not going to talk about this song Let's just say in my music library songs Timothy, and it is unlikely appear Suddenly I wanted to fool around now, take so here - and mischief Wanted, aestheticism that Sissy rubbed their eyes, think when they see me in this video. finally wanted at least one really important reason spiteful critics sprinkle saliva and bile. And one day wanted to take pictures of a major manufacturer. Unfortunately in this particular music video nor Timothy, nor Leps in the frame , as I understand it, is not displayed. then would strike was genuine. Constantine Pavlovich removed a small, four-minute film in a clean, white space. suffer I played husband of the woman with Dmitry Djuzhev cheating. This is especially ironic. The fact that this is Dmitry Dyuzhev, I also see a sinister meaning. "

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