Sunday, April 21, 2013

Timothy offend continue Kirkorov

In the video Timati and his friends show the most pressing problems in show business. Musicians are not afraid to speak openly about the dominance of vulgarity and corruption on the Russian stage. Word track reminiscent of a call for artists for the art has receded into the background, giving way to various intrigues and provocations. Timothy supported rapper Nel, L'One, Michael Krupin and ST. Literally overnight guys who wrote the words, they claim, agents of change and very honest about what is mentioned in Twitter fight with Timothy Philip. After the award ceremony MUZ-TV in its micro-blog Timothy spoke about what awards are inequitably distributed among nominees. - Do you have questions? The most honest? - Followed by a reaction Kirkorov. - Banks should not be confused, I'm not from your cock cage, remember that! And davaydosvidaniya! - Cut Timothy to stir in show business, and literally split into two. Decided to do a week after the scandal Timur away with all the rumors that the scandal had grown and put an end to the internecine showdowns. I'm not in the Russian show-meringue - no, no, I went by, he feels like shredded slezotochiv Cipollino, these old things indispensable, asks if the top mandate 100,500 in Maxim. You are not kokoschnik Buranovskie grandmothers, has your music for a long time to be done at the cemetery, Cntr delete it by pressing the 'B on the line to cover all your colorful business. The smell of mothballs to irritate the nose, the Stars - Their naked shocking - the only trump card. And we repeat, not even a "Who are you coming bye firmly Timothy and his team, are that because of the raw text on their criticism, but the younger generation of musicians, led by Blackstar ready - the system of the Russian show business!. who no longer works for many years built it does not correspond to reality -. we have to wear masks to penetrate obstacles, but we are tired - Timothy said. - We have a quality product and an openness to new names on the market. Lifeshowbiz

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