Thursday, July 25, 2013

Julia's father tattoos helped her get rid of the child's father

Yulia Volkova flew to America. Moscow has a young daughter, "tattoo" Vika and her common-law husband Pavel Sidorov. In America, the singer was accompanied by imposing brunette 35, but not with Sidorov, the father of her child. Seeing the photographer, the couple hurried escape from the reception. Relationship with Julia and her companion is his name, find out the "EC" has failed. New producer "Tattoo" Boris Renski of life his protege prefer not to extend "until the fall, we can not say a word about the personal lives of Julia and her plans. This is our policy. 'S album will be ready, the added the girls in America, then we will be open to the press. exact time of publication, I can not name. Maybe it will happen at the beginning or end of September. "They say the father of her daughter, Julia Volkova, longer life . "She had refused to leave Dahl -. Said the singer grandmother -. Yes, it must have been in vain I do not mind, I'd rather see a great-granddaughter ..." Julia somehow show yet. A child his grandfather and grandmother Old people hope to visit after his return from America Julia still they call with my daughter. "Right now, Paul lives with his mother and sister - said mutual friend Pasha and Julia -. Not occur exactly With Julia, I do not know if he has a girlfriend, but his ex-wife and Nastia Lazuninoy from which he fled to Julia , Pasha did not see -. .. that's for sure Nastia still lives with his parents, got a job in the store and daughter Dasha, the fruit of their collaboration with Paul Love. Dashutka two years. A Pasha Family "tattoo" Daddy threw Yulin. The conflict began with Sidorov began impudent every day. Julia behaved provocatively with other parents. When Oleg Paschke said at the door, she does not mind. "

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