Repeat the phenomenal success of "Tender May", while in our country has been able to anybody. By some estimates, every third inhabitant of Russia at least once, but at a concert of the group. It is also a sad statistic: because of unrequited love for the musicians of suicide no less than 150 fans. Try to unravel the secret of a great success, the filmmakers with the working title "Tender May" attempts. The film tells the story of a popular group from its beginnings to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the gradual extinction of the "May" fame. The main characters of director Vladimir Vinogradov, previously known works in the genre of the documentary - the guys Yuri, Kolyan drummer, keyboardist Serge, songwriter "Tender" May projectionist Kuzma and ambitious producer Andrew. (Played story "Tender May" from the first to the last frame of the story), despite the nature of the biographical movie, action will be in the new movie more than enough: the roaring crowd of fans, money fraud, car chases, love affairs and gangsters. The reporter: "MK" got on the site during the filming of a scene with a dangerous stunt - Capture raiders Culture House, which serves the "Tender May". Actors say that cooked during the filming of this scene a few weeks ago, one of the stunt almost. - The thing is - explains who played Andrey Razin Vyacheslav Manucharov - that the scenario we had boiling water from the kettle pour directly on the heads of bandits. And as the steam from the boiling water is not subject to effects that had shed real ... All this mess filmed Klimovsk House of Culture. First May Find such a colorful place to shoot is becoming increasingly difficult. Interior Soviet institution remained intact, it seems, since the 60s: the idyllic images on peeling walls, neat cursive script on the labels next to the door - "Music and Choir" Bell "or" choreographic group "Dreams" and even dozed a chair near the stairs vahtersha to stay here since Soviet times seem ... - Director and cameraman tries to use as many recognizable parts - says Manucharov. - From architecture to include things like yoghurt delta cigarettes "Prima" Zhiguli beer shirt in a cage. Shootings are loud - would still be on the pitch at once, three young actors. The oldest, Sergei Romanovich (Jura), 16 This is his debut film role. Serge came from Tomsk and once got on the site, it was immediately clear that after school type theater. - We shot a great scene in "Olympic", which was attended by 3000 people crowd - says Sergey. - On the stage to create the scene of the time, and we sang with their voices. As I stood before the cameras and a huge crowd, he could not believe that all this is happening to me! Peter Skvortsov (Kolya) is on the big screen in the film explores "Indigo". Third, Daniel Chvanov (Serge) - Actor Theatre on the embankment. The most romantic in the film - the role of the beloved Razin Lily - played viewers known from the film "Peter FM" Catherine Fedulova. With her Manucharova the sharpest and have been proved a dangerous step into the river. - The current was so strong that as soon as we let go of the rope, we blew 200 meters from the crew! - Remembers the actor.
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