Sunday, April 21, 2013

Timothy had an operation on her ears

It seems that Timothy soon to sell its exclusive collection of diamond earrings, because it they are no longer likely. The fact that not so long ago, also known under the name of Mr. Black Star decided singer sew the holes in the wings, as he can remember, always adorned with expensive jewelry. Timothy himself admits, it was nothing more than a childish, but now he was a serious, adult. The operation lasted about an hour under local anesthesia. It seems that Timothy soon to sell its exclusive collection of diamond earrings, because it they are probably no longer required - It's okay if the feeling and not a pleasant one. Sleep, while uncomfortable, a little sideways povernesh hurt immediately - told Life Showbiz Timur. Enlist the help of surgeons rapper decided to complete because with earrings now. Timati in jewelry you no longer see. - I think I has outgrown. Commits a serious creativity to change the image - the musician says. Fans Timothy suggest Analysis act of his idol, that he will probably decided, rid yourself more space for new tattoo. By the way, the body of the singer so many tattoos that the living space they almost disappeared.

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