Saturday, July 6, 2013

Record a new album, "Tattoo" fell through. Now - for the girls

But lately, information that the inclusion of the long-awaited new album, "Tattoo" obtained by decreased. Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina had urgently to Moscow to fly to the newspaper "Life". It turned out the reason was the return of a dispute between the girls. Also, the producers were able to bring the "tattoos" into line. Julia and Lena could not decide whom to perform the leading roles in the new songs. Boris Renski wanted to sing Volkov. But voice problems remained and Julia could not cope. Katina offered her friend to rely on background vocals, and give her the lead roles. Julia even took a treatment in the best medical centers in Los Angeles, but he was able to help the little voice Volkova. Cry sharp voice, as fans are accustomed to "Tattoo", she could not. As a result of the conflict remains unresolved, and the two girls had to return to Moscow with nothing.

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