Saturday, July 6, 2013

Serduchka had plastic surgery

Serduchka decided to rejuvenate. Craze for plastic surgery has decided he supports Danilko. He operated on to remove a second chin. Doctors providing Kiev clinics studied stellar patient came to the conclusion that to do it without liposuction, but insisted Danilko operations, the newspaper "Life". Andrew surgeons have general anesthesia and about half an hour to perform the necessary procedures. Spent in the hospital after surgery artist for about a day, and the next day was able to work again. Surgery to liposuction costs Danilko hryvnia in 3000 ($ 600). Why Andrew took to change his appearance is unknown. But it is believed that this is due to the artist doing his young friend George Avramenko, who played in two movies already Danilko is. Andrew began allegedly have an inferiority complex about their appearance, always just the next young and handsome.

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